chapter twenty seven

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y/n's pov

i woke up in a pair of arms wrapped around me.

i looked over to see luis' face.

" hey you're up." he smiled.

" hey. what time is it ? " i asked.

" um it's 5:26. " he said checking his phone.

" oh dang. my bad. " i said realizing i was asleep for almost two hours.

" you're fine. not a big deal. " he said.

we were just talking when we heard the dorm door open to reveal my two best friends.

" hey gabs. hey nia. " i greeted.

" hey y/- luis ? " gabriela said in a kind of annoyed tone.

" don't worry. we're fine now. " i reassured them.

" i should probably get going anyways. i still have to study for a test. " luis said picking up his backpack.

" okay. " i smiled.

we walked out into the hall because he said that he needed to tell me something in private.

" what did you want to tell- " i got cut off.

he cupped my cheeks and pulled me into a gentle kiss. it wasn't full of lust or aggression. it was sweet and gentle. as if he wasn't trying to hurt me.

he pulled away soon after and just hugged me.

" are you okay ? " i asked him.

" yeah. i just feel bad for everything. " he apologized once more.

" listen luis , i get it. you feel bad. but we also aren't dating. so you shouldn't feel bad. it's not like you cheated on me. " i said.

" i know we aren't together , but it doesn't change the fact that i feel bad. " he looked me in the eyes.

" just don't worry about it. you're gonna be paranoid if you keep doing this. " i told him.

" i know. and like you said ... we aren't together. but someday , you'll be mine. " he said walking off with a wink and left me there like a blushing mess.


a/n: this is a very short chapter and i apologize for that. i'm publishing this kinda late. at least for my time. it's currently 10:42 pm in kentucky.

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