chapter seventeen

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y/n's pov

" why did you come with me ? " luis asked.

" i'm not sure. actually. " i replied.

" do we have to walk to get pizza too ? " i asked.

" i mean we can , it'll be like a 20 minute walk. but we can take my car if you want. " he answered.

" mm yeah let's just take your car. " i laughed.

we were walking out of school when i felt something grab my hand. i looked down and realized that it was luis' hand. i tried hiding my smile but i failed. unfortunately.

" i see you hiding that smile. " luis smirked.

" what smile ? " i said trying to play it off.

we both laughed and walked hand in hand to the parking lot. we got into his car and he started driving to the pizza place.

we got to the pizza place and told them what kind of pizzas we wanted.

we texted the group chat we have with the team and they said that they wanted a pepperoni pizza and a cheese pizza.

we were talking when the lady who took our order came up to the counter

" here's y'all's pizzas ! enjoy. by the way , you two are very cute together. " she winked handing us our pizzas.

" thank you. and we get that a lot. " luis smiled while grabbing the pizzas.

we got into his car while i had the pizzas in my lap.

" she was right. we do look very cute together. " luis spoke while driving.

" whatever. she was just being nice. " i laughed.

" it doesn't matter if she was being nice. she was right. "

we made it back to the dorms and put the pizzas down for everyone to grab slices.

it was around 1:25 am. we were all asleep when i felt someone shaking me. i turned my head to see luis.

" what ? " i whispered.

" come on let's go. " he whispered as well.

" where are we going ? " i asked hesitant while getting up.

" you'll see. now come on." he said grabbing my hand.

i followed luis , hoping not to get caught since it's past curfew.

" i swear , if you're planning on murdering m- " i got cut off.

" what ? i'm not gonna murder you. " he laughed.

" then where are you going ? " i whined.

" i'm not sure but let's figure it out together. " he looked me.

" so you're telling me that you woke me up at 2 am , just to not know where we're going ? "

" yeah. but that's what makes it fun. " he said.

we ended up going outside and laying on the grass to talk. simple but i like his effort.

" you know , usually i wouldn't lay on the grass because i'd get itchy. but i'm only doing this because of you. so be grateful." i told luis.

" i'm grateful. " he said turning his head towards me.

" you're really pretty. " luis complimented.

" thank you. you aren't bad i guess. "

" i guess ? " he questioned.

" i'm just kidding. you're really handsome. " i smiled.

we laid there , talking. for a good twenty minutes when he suddenly stopped talking and just looked at me.

" what ? " i asked.

he didn't do anything. we were looking into each others eyes, and one thing after another, we were kissing. then kissing led into us making out.

we made out for at least several minutes when we heard footsteps.

" damnit. " he said pulling away.

" over here. " he said grabbing my hand.

we hid on the side of the school waiting for whoever was walking around to leave.

" we should probably go back inside with the others. " i stated.

" yeah. probably. " luis agreed.

we started to walk back when i stopped.

" wait. " i said.

" yeah ? " he asked.

i kissed him one more time. i pulled away when he pulled me back into a kiss.

" y/n ? "

" yeah ? "

" i really like you. and i was wondering if maybe you wanted to go out with me ? " he asked.

" um yeah sure. " i said trying not to blush.

we got back to the dorm without waking anyone up.

we fell asleep in the place we were before we left, so no one would know that we left.


a/n: sorry if this chapter is kinda long. i wanted to fit the rest of the sleepover in one chapter because it's been like three chapters of just the sleepover.

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