chapter six

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y/n's pov:

we ended practice at around 5:15 pm , and the original plan was to shower , do some homework , call my parents and call it a night. but i guess it changed when the team invited us to go and grab something to eat with them.

i mean , how could we say no ? our new team ... we wanted them to like us so we said yes to their invitation.

we all showered and got ready to go out and eat. it was nothing fancy so i went casual.

i paired my outfit with some white nike blazers

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i paired my outfit with some white nike blazers.

i decided to blow dry my hair and leave it down since it looked cute that way.

we were all ready and decided to just walk to the restaurant since it wasn't that far of a walk.

" are you ladies ready ? " xion marched into our dorm.

" xion! you can't just barge into our dorm like that. what if we were naked ? " gabriela yelled.

" sorry " xion rolled his eyes.

• time skip •

we made it outside and walked with the team towards to restaurant.

" hey it's y/n right ? " some called out.

i turned to see luis walking towards me.

" uh yea. luis? " i replied.

" yep. anyways , tell me about yourself. "

" okay. well i'm 15 almost 16 , my favorite color is y/f/c. and im hispanic. " i answered.

" hispanic? which kind? im cuban. " he replied.

" mexican. and that's cool. so what about you? tell me about yourself luis. "

" well.. im 16. my favorite color is royal blue. and i think you're really pretty. " he winked.

i'm almost 100% that i'm blushing at this moment.

" thank you. you aren't to bad yourself. " i answered

" gracias mamí. " he answered then walked towards russ.

" woah, was mr hottie just talking to you? " nia came up to me very excited followed by gabriela.

" oh come on guys. i mean , yeah he's really attractive but he's our teammate trying to get to know me. there's nothing going on between us. " i said

" yet. nothing going on between y'all yet. " gabriela added.

" whatever. " we kept walking.

• time skip •

we made it to the restaurant and sat down at a table. i was looking through the menu. until gabriela nudged my shoulder.

" what gabi ? " i asked.

" look over there. " she responded.

i turned my head and i saw luis talking with a girl. not just any girl but a really pretty girl. the same girl he was talking to at lunch.


a/n: uhh sorry for not updating this book in a couple days. but here you all go <3

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