chapter nineteen

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y/n's pov

" omg omg! " nia squealed.

" he asked you out and you're just now telling us ?? " gabi exclaimed.

" wait wait wait , what about what connie said ? she had to say that for a reason. " gabi said.

" that's the thing. i don't know if i should do this with luis. i really him but connie said that for a reason. " i stressed.

" well , you've been giving him the benefit of the doubt this whole time. and he's been good right ? " nia questioned.

" yeah .. " i said.

" well then keep doing that. if he's doing good , keep trusting him. but if he plays you or something than you forget about him. " nia explained.

" that is not a bad idea. " gabriela agreed.

" okay. you're right. i'll tell him that we can go the date tomorrow after hockey practice. " i smiled.

" should i text him right now ? " i asked.

" YES. " they said in union.

" okay okay. does this sound okay ? ' hey , how about we do our date after practice tomorrow ? ' " i asked again.

" sounds good. send it. " gabriela replied.

" oh my god he's typing- " i said nervously.

" he said ' sounds good to me. i'll pick you up at your dorm after. ' " i read aloud.

" awe. sweet. now , what are you gonna wear ? " nia asked.

" i don't know. we still have a whole day. plus i don't know where he's taking me. "

my alarm started going off. i reached over to my phone. the time read 6:30 am.

we all woke up and started getting ready for school.

i decided to wear a white v cut long sleeve shirt with brown jeans , and some white shoes.

i decided to wear a white v cut long sleeve shirt with brown jeans , and some white shoes

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" cute outfit. " nia smiled.

" thanks. " i thanked.

i was at my locker when i felt an arm go on my shoulder.

" hey y/n. "

" oh hey lui- " it wasn't luis.

" you aren't luis ? " i said confused.

" you're correct. i'm rick. rick riley. you've probably heard of me. " i said obnoxiously.

" okay ? " i took his arm off me.

" you're on the jv hockey team right ? " he asked.

i rolled my eyes. why can't he take the hint that i don't wanna talk to him. " uh yeah. "

" wow. no one this pretty should be on a team filled of losers. " he looked me up and down.

i was furious. " last time i checked , y'all were the ones that lost to them. correct me if i'm wrong. " i snarked.

" feisty i see. " he smirked.

luis' pov

i saw rick talking to y/n. i was mad. my blood was boiling.

i didn't go up to them , just so i could find a better idea instead of punching him.

i kept watching until i noticed y/n rolling her eyes. that's good. that means she's not flirting.

i walked over them and kissed y/n on the cheek.

" hey luis. " she smiled looking relived.

" hey beautiful. "

" don't tell me you guys are dating. " rick said sounding annoyed.

" why should it matter ? " i questioned.

" i'm just asking why someone so hot is talking to you. "

my jaw clenched. you could probably see the anger in my eyes. i balled my hands up in a fist. i thought no one noticed but apparently y/n did.

" luis let it go. come on. " she said unclenching my fist and grabbing my hand trying to pull me away.

i didn't listen. i kept staring straight at riley with anger.

" luis, let's go. it doesn't matter. please. " she begged.

" okay fine. " i walked to y/n interlocking my fingers with hers.

" are you okay ? did he do something to you ? did he say anything to you ? " i smothered her in questions.

" luis i'm fine. i promise. " she reached and kissed my cheek.

" oh my gosh- are you guys dating ? " julie said running up to us.

" no we weren't- "

" yet. " i added.

julie smirked at us. and walked to fifth period with us ; which was science.

" hey guys. over here ! " averman waved us over to his science table.

" hey lester. " julie said.

" hello julie. " averman said with a straight face.

averman noticed y/n and i were holding hands. he looked at julie and she said ,

" they aren't dating. "

he looked disappointed.

we were working on this science project , which to be honest , i didn't really understand.

" i know this is science class but you too have a lot of chemistry. " averman joked looking at me and y/n.

" averman- " julie smacked the back of his head, while me and y/n chuckled.


a/n: kinda long chapter ??
anyways, tysmm for 2k read <3.

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