chapter twenty nine

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y/n's pov

friday. our first game. it hit me.

our first three periods went by quickly. it was now lunch and i was praying that nothing had happens today. referring to what happened yesterday.

" y/n. wait up. " connie ran up to me.

" hey connie. " i turned to her.

" i heard about what happened between you and luis. did you forgive him ? " she asked me.

" yeah i did. i know we aren't together but i did kinda hurt when that happened. " i said.

" understandable. i mean you guys are borderline dating so i get why it would hurt you. but i've noticed that luis hasn't been hooking up with girls anymore. that means that he probably genuinely likes you. "

i was happy she said that. " thanks con. anyways , are you nervous for tonight ? "

" a little. i mean we're pretty good but so are they. " she said.

i nodded in agreement as we walked into the cafeteria.

we were in the line when i felt a familiar pair of lips touch my cheek.

" hey. " i happily turned my head.

" hey pretty. " he said.

" i'm here too. " connie made a comment.

" oh hey connie." he looked over to her.

" hi luis. " she laughed.

we got our trays and went to lunch table and sat down. we made conversations with the other team members at the table. mainly talking about our upcoming game and school.

we were all somewhat nervous except for charlie and fulton.

" are you gonna eat that ? " luis said pointed to my strawberrys.

" no i'm too full. do you want them ? " i said.

" i mean since you asked. " he said taking them.

i laughed at his comment and continued to talk with luis.

" do you think we're gonna win ? " he asked.

" i think we have a fairly good shot at winning. " i responded.

he nodded and ate another strawberry.

school let out which gave us two hours before our game. the pipestone arrows are pretty good. so my nerves were a bit more intense now that school let out.

" i am so nervous. " i commented.

" why are you so nervous ? you're never this nervous before a game. " nia said.

" it's our first game with a new hockey team. i wanna prove myself. " i said.

" makes sense but you gotta calm down girl. " gabi said putting her gear into her duffel bag.

i laughed trying to shake the nerves out. " i'll try. "


a/n: i'm gonna try and update my preference book tmr cause there's no school :).

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