chapter thirty

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y/n's pov

the minutes we're counting down until our game started. i calmed down a bit but i got the jitters.

" are you ready y/n. " nia said.

i smiled and grabbed my bag. " yeah let's go. "

we made it to the rink and headed into the locker room to meet everyone else.

" hey guys. " russ waved.

" hey." i waved back.

we got ready for the game and quickly headed to the ice.

we made it to our section and coach said who's started the game of first.

" alright guys! we're gonna start with ... "

" charlie. adam. fulton. connie. guy. and julie as our goalie. " he said.

the game started and charlie quickly got a hold of the puck.

" cmon conway! " coach yelled.

he got the puck to the goal , shot it. and he scored!

" yeah charlie! " we cheered him on.

it was five minutes later. the score was 1-0 so far.

" charlie , fulton , connie , guy out! y/n , luis , xion , nia in! " coach switched us.

the ref blew the whistle indicating us to start playing.

xion got the puck and passed it to me , which i then passed it to luis. he scored and since he can't stop he crashed into the boards.

" nice shot. are you okay ? " i said helping him up.

" thanks. and yeah i'm fine. " he smiled through his helmet.

it was three minutes til half time and we were tied. 4-4.

charlie scored two , luis scored one , and connie scored one.

after getting a pep talk with coach , we went back out on the ice but before i could , luis pulled me back into the locker room.

" what are you doing ? we've gotta get in there. " i turned my attention to him.

" i know , i just have to tell you something. " he said.

" what is it ? "

" well- " he got cut off.

" mendoza , l/n. let's go. " coach yelled.

" tell me after the game. " i smiled and grabbed his hand.

out in the ice was emanuel , gabi , dean , luis , and i.

once again , the ref blew the whistle. the other team unfortunately got the puck before gabi did and quickly headed towards the goal.

" someone stop them! " orion yelled.

" luis. that's you. " i said.

" already on it. " he said while quickly skating towards the person.

he caught to them pretty fast. he quickly got the puck and skated to the other side.

he passed it to me and i was almost at the goal when someone stole it from me.

" shit. " i cursed and turned around trying to get the puck back.

the other opponent shot the puck but luckily , they went glove side and julie stopped it.

" nice job gaffney! " he heard coach cheer.

gabi got the puck then passed it to emanuel. someone was right before him so he passed it to luis and made his way to the goal.

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