chapter twenty eight

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y/n's pov

i laid in bed think about those three words that luis told me before he left. " you'll be mine ... "

if i'm being honest , i don't even know what's going on in our relationship. we aren't dating but we do couple things. this is so confusing. i'd rather he just tell me if we're dating , if we are just friends. or at least something.

i ended up falling asleep in my own thoughts.

i woke up a facetime call wondering who could be calling me at 2:15 am.

i turned my phone over and see luis' contact.

i grabbed my phone and walked to the bathroom so i wouldn't wake up gabriela and nia.

" hello ? " i answered the call while rubbing my eyes.

" hey what are you doing ? " he asked.

" wondering why the hell you facetimed me right now. " i said in a tired voice.

" right. sorry. but i'm bored. " he stated.

i hummed in response and my eyes began to close.

" oh by the way , i'm about to head to your dorm. " he said.

" why ? " i said.

" because , i'm gonna pick you and take you to my dorm. " he spoke.

" ughh. " i whined.

" anyways. i'll see you in a second. bye. " he hung up the phone.

i walked back to my bed and tried to get a couple minutes of sleep before luis got here.

i heard a knock on the door and i basically dragged myself out bed and opened the door.

i opened the door to see luis. he was wearing gray sweatpants with a white t-shirt.

" let's go. " he said.

" nooo. " i rubbed my eyes.

" just stay in my dorm. i'm tired. " i tried to convince him.

" i'm not sure about that. "

" please luis. " i leaned on him so i wouldn't fall over from the lack of sleep.

" fine. " he gave in.

" let me just text the guys that'll i'll be staying here tonight. " he pulled out his phone.

luis' pov
• group chat with guy and russ •

luis: hey guys , change of plans. i'm gonna stay with y/n at her dorm tn.

guy: simp.

luis: you're one to talk.

russ: whipped mf.

luis: shut up.

y/n walked to her bed quietly so she wouldn't wake up gabi and nia.

she laid down on the inside of the bed and i did the same. she almost immediately snuggled herself into me. i wrapped my arms around her body and she quickly fell asleep.

i felt bad for waking her up at this time because i could tell she was tired. but at the same time i didn't because if i didn't wake her up then we wouldn't be here in this position right now.

i fell feel asleep a little after she did. i've never slept this good. maybe because a certain girl was pressed onto my body.

she gave me comfort.

y/n's pov

we woke up to nia's alarm going off which indicated that it was time to get up and go to school.

i didn't want to though. mainly because i would have to get out of luis' arm.

" what the hell. " nia said surprised. couldn't blame her. a whole luis randomly showed up.

" oh yeah. i let him in last night. " i said sitting up and rubbing my eyes.

" why do y'all get up this early ? " luis said in his sleepy voice.

his sleepy voice was so attractive oh my goodness.

" i don't know. we take awhile getting ready. " gabriela said.

" yeah i got that. " he said.

" you can stay here if you want while we get ready. " i told him picking out my clothes.

" okay. i'll do that. the guys are probably still asleep. plus your bed is comfy. " he said which made me giggle.

i picked out my outfit and decided to wear a blue short dress with an oversized beige crew neck on top.

i stepped out of the bathroom luis looked me up and down

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i stepped out of the bathroom luis looked me up and down. he also added a smirk.

" you look good. " he said.

" thank you. " i smiled.

" i should probably start heading to my dorm to get ready. " he said getting up.

" okay. i'll see you later. "

" bye y/n. " he bent down kissing my cheek.

we all finished getting ready and headed to our classes.

i was at my locker getting my english book when a hand went around shoulders.

" hey. " a deep voice spoke. one that i was un familiar with.

" get your arm off of me. " i turned my head to see rick.

" attitude. hot. " he said.

" can you stop ? " a said annoyed.

he bent down to my and whispered , " as long you keep looking hot ; then i'm not gonna stop. "

that gave me chills. and not the good kind. i froze. but not from being flustered. but from scared ? i don't know. i've never felt this why before. i need someone to help. anyone.

" back off. " a voice said and an arm snaked around my waist and stopped at my stomach.

rick looked up in surprise that someone is standing up to him.

" nah i'm good. " rick spoke up.

" i said back off. " luis said annoyed. which resulted in him pulling me back into his chest.

" better watch it mendoza. " rick looked at him

" nah i'm good. " luis mocked him which made me laugh.


a/n: i feel like this book is shit. like not good at all.

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