chapter thirty three

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y/n's pov
four months later —

i was at my locker when someone came up to me.

" hey y/n. " i guy said.

it was luke. he's in my math class. " oh hey luke. " i smiled.

we were talking about what we were learning in math and he asked me about what we were learning.

while i was explaining something to him , he made a joke and it was actually funny so i laughed, until i felt an arm around my waist.

" oh hey babe. " i smiled look at him.

" hey pretty. " he kissed my cheek.

i noticed that luke rolled his eyes and apparently luis noticed too.

" is there a problem luke ? " he questioned.

" nope. " he snarled.

" okay well then let's go y/n. "

" alright. bye luke. " i closed my locker.

" yeah bye luke. " luis said while rolling his eyes.

" what's up with you ? " i said holding his hand.

" nothing. " he nodded.

" are you sure ? "

" yep. anyways , how has your day gone ? " he asked me.

" um , it's been decent. i don't know. it hasn't been the worst though. "

" that's good." he smiled.

" how about yours though ? "

" about the same. do you have any plans today ? " he asked.

" not that i know of. why ? "

" just wondering. wanna watch a movie or something ? "

" sure. we can watch one in my dorm. gabi and nia are out for the day today so it'll be just the two of us. " i smiled.

" sounds good. i'll come over in an hour. " he kissed me. i blushed and kissed him back.

i rushed to my dorm and tried to clean up a bit. then i hopped into the shower and shaved just in case. if you know what i mean.

once i was clean i fixed my hair and put enough makeup on to the point where it doesn't look like i have makeup on.

i changed into some leggings and an oversized shirt.

a couple minutes later , luis showed up at my dorm and we picked a movie to watch.

" you look cute right now. " he complimented.

" thank you. " i blushed.

after the movie we were talking until he just stopped and looked at my lips.

" i really wanna kiss you right now. " he spoke up.

" then do it. " i smirked.

he quickly connected our lips. we kept kissing until he slipped his tongue into my mouth and fought for dominance.

he moved down to my neck and sucked on it leaving a few hickies. his hands made their way to the bottom of my shirt and tugged it. i rose up my arms as luis slid it over my head. and i was left in my bra and leggings

his eyes made their way to my breasts. he smirked and once again connected our lips. he shifted us so he was now on top of me without breaking this kiss.

he took his shirt off and oh my goodness- his abs are in.

he kissed his way from lips to my jawline. then to my neck. i lightly moaned with seemed to turn him on even more.

he kissed my boob and sucked on them leaving more hickies.

he made his way done to the hem of my pants where he then looked up at me asking for permission.

i nodded and he grabbed my leggings and pulled them down my legs. i was now left in just my bra and underwear.

he stared at my body and smiled then went to down to kiss me. our tongues moved in rhythm as his hands went behind my back and unclipped my bra. he slid the straps of my arms and lifted the bra. he looked at me and smiled which made me blush even more.

kissed all the away down from my boobs to my underwear line and look up asking me permission i nodded yes and he pulled down my underwear. he stared at my bare body and said ,

" you're so beautiful y/n. so beautiful. " took of his sweatpants and and boxers and bent down to kiss me as he put a condom on. mid kiss he slowly entered me. i lightly screamed in the kiss and he pulled away.

" are you okay ? do you want me to stop ? " he asked.

" yeah i'm okay. keep going. "

he held onto my hips as he slowly thrusted into me. " you can go faster. "

he did go faster and all the pain turned into pleasure.

his slow thrusts began to sped up and with that , he also went harder.

" l-luis. " i moaned.

he was now going really fast and hard at the same time which brought me a lot of pleasure.

he grunted as i moaned. " you're doing so good baby. " he praised me.

i dug my nails into his back and left a couple of scratches.

after a couple minutes of this i felt a knot in my stomach.

" l-luis , i'm a-bout to-  " it tried to get my words out.

" it's okay. me too amor. "

we both came of the same time. he kissed my inner thighs slowly moving to my upper inner thighs.

he played with my clit as i threw my head back from enjoyment. he quickly entered one finger and that felt so good. then he entered another and repeated the process.

i was a moaning mess by this point. i slid his fingers out and sucked on them. " you taste good. " he said bending down to my lips.

i giggled and kissed him.

" i wanna try one more thing. if that's okay. " he pulled away.

" mhm. that's fine. " i tried to catch my breath.

he lowered his head to my area. and rubbed circles on my clit. he then flicked his tongue in me. and i threw my head back. after a bit of teasing me he entered his tongue into me.

the pleasure was so good. i lightly pulled hair as i gently pushed his head deeper into me. i moaned as he continued to eat me out.  i arched my back and this kept going for a couple of minutes.

he pulled away and laid his head on my stomach. both of us trying to catch our breath.

i wiped the sweat of his forehead and played with his hair. he came up to me and kissed me.

" that was amazing. you did so good. i love you  " he kissed me.

that made my heart skip a beat. that was the first time he said ' i love you. 'i kissed him back and said " thank you. so did you. i love you too. "

" my legs are shaking. " i said looking at my legs.

" did i go too far ? i'm sorry. " he apologized. he's so cute.

" you don't need to apologize. i loved it. " i kissed his cheek.

he grabbed both of us some clothes and helped me put my underwear and pants on since my legs were a little sore.

once we finished getting dressed , we laid in bed and cuddled. we ended up falling asleep and i went to sleep smiling because i lost my v card to someone that i truly love.


i wrote smut- i've never done this before. so i apologize if this bad. anyways , i decided to time skip it four months so y/n and luis wouldn't have sex in less than 2 weeks of dating. lol byeee

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