chapter eight

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y/n's pov

" don't be one of his victims. " y/n thought back at what connie told her.

geez , connie made it seem like he was some type of murderer.

not even going to lie , i was actually really upset when i found out that luis was hooking up with someone.

i was trying to get some sleep before school started since i couldn't get a lot last night. but there's so much on my mind right now. with school , hockey , and for some reason ... luis. not sure why though. i just met him and i knew that weren't going to be anything anytime soon.

i got up from my bed and went to the bathroom , opened the cabinet and took out my melatonin gummies so i could fall asleep.

i took the gummies and laid in bed until i slowly started to drift off to sleep.

i woke up to my alarm ringing. it read '6:20 am'. i turned it off while nia and gabriela were rubbing their eyes.

i went to the bathroom to do everything that i needed to do , such as my skincare , brush my teeth and hair.

" hey have you guys seen my hockey bag ? " gabriela questioned looking around the dorm.

" nope i haven't. " nia replied trying to get ready for school.

" damnit. " gab cursed.

" it's fine gabi. we can go to the locker room and see if you left it in there. " i reassured her.

" thanks y/n. "

" you're welcome gabs. "


a/n: sorry for this boring chapter , but it'll start getting better in the next chapter or so <3.

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