chapter thirteen

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y/n's pov

we hung out at mcdonalds for a bit longer before we decided to go to the mall. i didn't bring my wallet but i always keep my credit card on me , and if that doesn't work , i have apple pay.

" how far is the walk ? " emanuel asked.

" not that far , everything is pretty close to each other. the max , maybe 10 minutes. " adam responded.

we were half way there when luis came up to me.

" hey. " he said.

" hey. " i looked up at him.

" what store are you gonna go to first ? " he asked.

" um not sure. maybe victoria secret or pink because i need sports bra. " i answered. i didn't think anything of it , until i notice that he was smirked.

" perv. " i laughed.

• time skip •

we made it to the mall when julie and connie said that they wanted to go into victoria secret so, nia, gabi, and i followed them.

" oh look at this pink one " nia held up.

i turned my head , " that's cute, it'll look good with your skin tone. "

" yeah i agree " connie said.

we kept looking a bit more, all i had picked out was two sports bras, and one normal bra.

" that's all you're getting ? " gabriela looked into my basket.

" um yeah, why ? " i asked.

" nothing, let's just look over here. " she laughed while pulling my arm.

i laughed and walked behind her.

" how about some lace ? " she suggested.

" um, sure." i looked at the rack.

" great. " she smiled.

we were looking for some lace bras when one caught my attention.

" how about this one ? " i asked gabi. well, i thought i asked her.

" i like- " gabi was cut off.

" buy it. " a deep voice said behind me.

i turned around out of instinct. and it was, yours truly... luis.

" i asked gabi. " i looked at him.

" i know, i heard you. " he smirked.

i rolled my eyes and asked gabi again.

" what do you think of this, gabi ? " i questioned, making sure to say 'gabi' louder.

" i like it. " she laughed.

i laughed too and so did luis.

" okay, i think i'm ready. " i said looking down at my basket.

" yeah me too. " gabi said.

we walked to the checkout counter, gabi payed first. then it was my turn.

" that'll be $114.25 " the employee said.

i was about to hand her my card when luis slapped my hand away.

" here, take this card. " luis handed her my card.

" what? luis i can't let you pay for that. " i said looking at him.

" to late. it's fine mamí. " he said putting his card back into his wallet.

" well can i at least pay you back ? "

" nope. " he took the bag from my hand.

" luis, i can hold my own stuff. " i said.

" i know, but if i didn't hold the bags then i would look unmannered. " i said.

" that is true. " i laughed.

" where we going now ? " he asked.

" we ? "

" yes. do you really think i'm going to let you pay for anything today ? " he turned to me.

" well i don't know. i'll feel bad if you do. " i said.

" well don't feel bad. it's fine fine y/n. " he said trying to make me feel better about this.

" fine fine fine. " i gave in.


a/n: sorry i haven't been updating that frequently. i have a lot of motivation right now, so except maybe one or two more chapters today <3.

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