chapter twenty one

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luis' pov

oh god. she looked beautiful. absolutely beautiful. i don't think i've ever seen anyone that beautiful.

i decided that i was going to take y/n roller skating at a roller skating rink.

" you look gorgeous. " i complimented her.

" thank you. you look handsome. " she said.

" so where are we going anyways ? " she asked.

" roller skating. " i said.

" okay wait- roller skating or blading ? " she asked again.

" skating. " i said again.

" i've actually never roller skated. " she confessed.

" what really ? " i asked shocked.

" yeah. is it difficult ? " she asked.

" not that different from roller blading. it's actually a bit easier. " i answered her question.

" okay. that's helpful. " she laughed.

" don't worry , i'll help you. " i offered.

" i mean i guess. " she playfully rolled her eyes.

we both laughed and made our way to my car.

y/n's pov

" i'm nervous. " i piped up.

" why ? " he asked.

" i don't know. what if i fall on my face- " i said.

" you're not gonna fall on your face. i'll be there in case you do fall. " he reassured me.

" well thanks. "

we arrived at the roller skating rink and luis hurried to the other side of the car to open the door for me.

" thank you. " i said getting out of the car.

" you're welcome. " he replied.

we were walking into the building when luis decided to start holding my hand.

" you're hand is warm. " i said which made him laugh.

" that was random but , thanks ? i don't know if that was a compliment. " he replied.

" i would take it as a compliment , so you're welcome. " i said.

we walked into the rink and luis held the door open for me. in which i thanked him again.

we made it into the building and instead of holding my hand , he wrapped his arm around my waist. the amount of butterflies i instantly got.

we walked up to the counter and told the employee our shoe size so they could give us the skates.

" by the way , you two are very cute together. " they said before giving us our skates.

" thank you. " we said in union.

we got our skates on and walked into the rink.

i struggled a little at first but got the hang of it.

" this isn't actually that hard. " i looked at luis.

" told you. it's easier than roller blading in my opinion. " he said.

" yeah actually , it is easier. " i smiled.

" wait there's an arcade too ? " i asked excitingly.

" yep. we can go in a bit if you want to. " he offered.

" yeah , we're definitely going. " i said.

" fine with me. " he said.

we were skating for a bit before i got a got distracted and lost my balance. i didn't fall , thanks to luis.

" that is so pretty. " i said pointing to the disco ball.

and with that , i tripped.

luckily luis has fast reflexes.

" woah , careful mamí. " he said as his arm wraps around my waist and his hand lands on my stomach.

" geez- oh my gosh i was so close to smashing my face. thank you. " i smiled.

" yeah no kidding. anytime. " he said unwrapping his hand from my torso.

" hey are you hungry ? " he asked me.

" uh yeah a little. " i answered his question.

" okay , we can get food over here. " he took my hand as he led us off the skating floor.

we ordered our food , sat down at a booth and ate it.

" that was good. i liked it. " i said.

" yeah , i agree. it was pretty good. " he agreed with me.

" can we go to the arcade now ? " i asked luis.

" sure. " he said intertwining his fingers


a/n: i'm sorry for not updating this book in a couple day , but happy valentines day. except some updates in my preference book <3.

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