chapter twenty six

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y/n's pov

i tried all day to not think about luis but it was so hard.

class finally let out and i decided to go to the library and see if i could get a new book.

" hey girl. " julie came up to me.

" hey julie. " i smiled.

" what are you up to ? " she asked me.

" um i'm going to the library to see if there's any new books. " i told her.

" oh me too. what's your favorite genre ? " she asked me.

" i love romance books. i could read romance books all day. " i said enthusiastic.

" understandable. i like romance books too. but my go to genre is mystery. " she said.

" mystery is a good one. something that i can't handle is horror books. " i said.

" i'm okay with horror books but i prefer to not read it. " she nodded her head.

" how are you holding up with the luis thing ? you don't have to talk about it if you don't want to. " she said.

" no it's okay. um , i don't really know if i'm being honest. " she just nodded her head.

" not gonna lie , i actually haven't thought about it that much. i mean , i know he didn't kiss rachel but at the same time he didn't pull away knowing i was right there. " i said.

" makes sense. i'm sorry y/n. truly. " she hugged me.

" it's okay. it's not your fault. plus luis and i aren't dating so he can do whatever is heart desires. " i hugged her back and smiled at her embrace.

i picked out a romance book and headed back to my dorm. unfortunately , a tall figure was standing at the door.

" what do you want luis ? " i asked him.

" to apologize. " he said which made me roll my eyes.

" for what ? " i said remembering that we aren't together.

" for not pulling away from rachel when she kissed me. " he looked me in the eyes.

" why are you apologizing ? we weren't together. so technically you can do whatever you want. "

" yeah but i still feel bad. plus , rachel isn't the one i want. you're the one i want. " when he said that , it made my heart skip a beat.

" really ? " i blushed.

" really. " he assured me while walking closer to me.

he cupped my face and kissed my lips. i kissed him back when we pulled away , we just looked into each other's eyes.

" hey listen , i don't really want to go back to my dorm right now. is it okay if i just hangout in yours for awhile ? " he asked me.

" yeah that's fine. " i said as i opened the door.

" thank you. " he said walking in after me.

he's been in my dorm for about twenty minutes now and we've just been working on our english homework.

we finally finished it and decided to watch a movie while laying down on my bed.

" which should we watch ? " i asked him.

" i doesn't matter. you can pick it. " he said.

" um okay. let's watch encanto. " i said grabbing the tv remote.

luis' pov

we were over half way into the movie when i realized that y/n fell asleep on me. i decided to just stay there and hold her.

she's so pretty.


a/n: i feel like this book is shit rn.

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