chapter eleven

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y/n's pov

once i got away from luis , i ran to the girls bathroom to calm myself down. i was so upset. how could i be somewhat attracted to that douchebag. no wonder connie told me to ' not be one of his victims '.

• time skip •

we had practice after school again emanuel and i headed to the rink. we were the last ones to get in the locker room because he couldn't open his locker. so i had to help him open it.

" there you guys are. " xion exclaimed.

" yeah. this thing needed help with his locker. " i said dropping my bag next to the bench grabbing my gear.

julie and nia laughed while luis stared at me.

i rolled my eyes and went back to putting my gear on.

" alright hurry it up! " coach orion yelled walking into the locker room.

• another time skip •

we finished practice and i was so sore.

i was walking out of the locker room when i ran into someone.

" oh my bad. i'm sorry. " i apologized.

" you're good mamí. " i heard a family voice respond.

i froze and looked up. of course. it's luis.

" didn't i tell you to stop calling me that? " i looked up at him.

" you did , but it's fun. " he laughed.

" i don't care. stop calling me that. " i answered back.

" okay fine. but i need to talk to you. " luis stared at him.

" make it quick. i'm tired. " i replied.

" i'm sorry that i kissed you in the janitors closet. " he apologized.

i don't know if he's being sincere or not but i'm gonna give him the benefit of the doubt and trust that he's actually sorry.

i took a breath, " it's okay. i guess. "

" good. see you around. " he winked.

i rolled my eyes and walked back to my dorm.

" hey there you are! " julie said jogging up to me.

" oh hey julie. " i smiled.

" the team is having a sleepover tonight since there's no school tomorrow. wanna join us ?" she asked me.

i of course was going to say yes. i'm being invited to my first sleepover with the team.

" yes sure! are nia , gabi , xion , and emanuel going ? " i asked. it's there team too , so i wanna make sure that they're included as well.

" yep. i already told them. " she smiled.

" alright. cool. let me just shower and i'll head that way! " i said.

" okay! do you know where my dorm is ? " she asked.

" yeah , connie showed me the way a couple days ago. "


a/n: team sleepover coming next chapter !!

will there be some drama between luis and y/n ? maybe ;).

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