chapter five

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y/n's pov:

we finished our first couple of classes and they weren't so bad. we were on our way to lunch when connie and this other blonde girl came our way.

" hey guys! this is julie. she's our goalie. " connie smiled.

" hey guys. nice to meet you all. " julie said.

we said our hellos then made our way into the cafeteria. every table , there was a sports team or same type of people.

one table had freshman cheerleaders , the other had varsity cheerleaders. another one had the smart kids. and lastly , jv hockey and next to it , varsity hockey.

we got our food and followed connie to the table she invited us to sit at. along with the other hockey players. xion and emanuel sat next to averman , while nia sat next to julie. gabriela and i sat next to connie.

" hey where's luis? " ken asked.

i immediately raised my eyes and turned my attention to ken.

" oh he's over there talking to some girl. " russ claimed.

luis and i have never met... but for some reason , that made me kind of sad. but i just brushed it off.

• time skip •

we headed to practice. to say i was nervous , was an understatement. xion and emanuel were just very amused by the size of the rink. gabriela and nia were talking about some movie. to be honest i wasn't paying attention. i was still sort of bummed from hearing that luis was with a girl.

'oh god. stop it y/n. you've never met this boy in your life. you know nothing about him. stop getting jealous.'  i thought to myself.

we headed into the locker rooms and got our hockey gear on. we already had our new jersey's. the administration had handed it to us once we arrived on campus.

" i still can't get over the size of this place. it's huge. " xion said.

" right. " nia replied.

" hey y/n/n , you okay? " gabriela asked.

" huh? oh yeah. i'm fine. i'm just nervous. " i said forcing a smile on my face.

" don't be. you're an amazing hockey player. " she reassured.

i nodded as we made our way onto the ice. our new coach waved us over where we were to meet our new teammates. we made our way over to him and he had a piece of paper in his hand.

" alright. new kids , once i call your name step forward. "

" emanuel. "

" gabriela. "

" nia. "

" xion. "

" y/n. "

we stepped forward and took a look at us. that was followed with. " let's see what you guys got. scrimmage! " he blew his whistle.

we took our positions. once im in hockey mode , i don't have anything else on my mind. it's only hockey in this moment.

we heard his whistle blow and started. i got the puck from the red head. i think his name is averman. and took off with the puck. i dodged majority of the other players until , luis. of course. nobody told me that he was incredibly fast. and that he can't stop.

he crashed into me. and to make it better. he ended up on top of me.

" bro get off of me. " i said.

" my bad hermosa. " he winked getting off of me.

i blushed but immediately pushed that to the back of my head. and put all of my focus onto getting that puck and scoring. good thing i'm also pretty fast. clearly not as fast as luis. he came out of nowhere. i'm almost as fast though. so watch your back luis.

' y/n , calm down. we're on the same team. cmon now. ' i thought to myself again.

i skated as fast as i could to catch up to luis. and to my surprise , i did. and i obviously got the puck.

" what the- " luis said shocked.

" sorry , maybe next time. " i chuckled.

i made my way back down the ice and passed it to nia. in which nia passed it back to me. and i scored. on julie. wow.

" yeah! nice one y/n. " emanuel cheered while giving me a high five.

" thanks garcia " i replied.

we ended up having a tie in the scrimmage. that was basically all we did for practice today. wow , they're good.

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