chapter fifteen

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luis' pov

she kissed me. SHE kissed me. she KISSED me. she kissed ME.

oh my god. play it cool luis.

how can i play it cool ? she just kissed me.

y/n's pov

i kissed him. oh my god. why ?

i mean, i don't regret it. but why ?

we parted lips. we looked in each other's eyes.

" i- i'm sorr- " i was cut of by a pair of lips.

we kissed. and it felt good. did i actually have feelings for luis ?

it's clear that he likes me.

we parted lips again, unfortunately.

" don't be sorry. " he smiled.

i smiled and started blushing like crazy.

we got out of the photo booth and got our pictures.

" awe , they're cute. i like them. " i said looking at them.

" yeah, me too." he smiled.

we met up with everyone else at the food court and agreed to eat there. luis paid for my food. obviously.

we ate our food and decided to go back to the dorm.

i was talking to gabriela when luis came beside me, grabbed the bags out of my hand and intertwined his fingers with mine.

" why are you blushing ? " gab asked without knowing that luis was holding my hand or that we kissed in the photo booth.

she looked down at her hands and noticed our hands. she stared at me wide eyed. and i mouthed

' i'll tell you later. '
she nodded.


a/n: look at me with daily updates !! anyways, i've blushed so much writing this chapter and the last one <3.

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