chapter thirty four

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y/n's pov

it's the morning after doing it with luis. and my legs are sore.

he ended up spending the night since there was no school.

we ended up waking up at around 9:40 am.

" good morning. " he said in his morning voice.

oh my gosh. his morning voice is so attractive. i cannot process how hot it is.

" morning. " i rubbed my eyes.

" i'm gonna use the bathroom really quick. " i said getting out of bed.

once i got up i almost fell. " jeez my legs hurt. " i laughed while luis just smirked.

we spent the rest of the day together enjoying each other's company.

four years later ...

" y/d/n come here baby. " i called luis and i's daughters name.

she ran into the living room. " momma! " she squealed as luis laughed as he chased her.

she jumped into my arms. i laughed and kissed her cheek. " no kiss for me ? " luis rolled his eyes.

" such a baby. " i laughed kissing his lips.

" eww. " y/d/n said covering her eyes.

we both laughed and decided to watch a movie. y/d/n fell asleep mid way through the movie so we decided to call it a night.

luis laid y/d/n down in our bed as i went into the bathroom to start getting ready for bed. i walked out of the bathroom to see that my husband and daughter fell asleep.

i couldn't help but to smile and realize that they guy i fell in love with in high school would be the man that i would marry and start a family with.

i got into bed and felt a kiss on my forehead. " i love you. " luis said.

" i love you more. " i kissed his cheek.

i kissed y/d/n's forehead and fell asleep with a smile on my face.


a/n: OMG OMG OMG!! i can't believe that i'm writing this but this will be the final chapter of " You'll Be Mine "

i really hoped you guys enjoyed this book and feel free to leave suggestions on new books ideas. thank you so much for reading this story. i appreciate it all <3.

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