chapter sixteen

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y/n's pov

we were walking to the dorms , everybody was in front of luis and i.

if i'm being honest , i have feeling for luis. and it's clear that he has too. but i don't know if i want feelings for him because of what connie told me.

but i'll give him the benefit of the doubt.

we made it back to the dorms and decided how we're going to sleep.

we decided that the boy are gonna sleep on the floor and the girls on the beds.

it was getting kind of late so we all changed into our pjs. i had a white crop top on with green plaid shorts

i walked out of the bathroom when i felt eyes on me

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i walked out of the bathroom when i felt eyes on me. i turned my head to see luis looking at me up and down smirking.

" alright guys , which movie should we watch ? " julie asked.

" the conjuring ? " adam requested

" no let's watch a disney movie. " connie asked.

" no. let's watch an action movie. " xion said.

after deciding which movie to watch , we decided to watch the sandlot. i love that movie so much because , it's comforting , funny , and of course because of benny.

we were watching the movie when we realized that benny looks exactly like luis.

" he does not look like me. " luis defended.

" yes he does. literally exactly like you. " i argued.

" yeah, i have to agree with y/n on this one " gabi said laughing.

" you're only saying that because she's your best friend. " he rolled his eyes.

the movie was over and it was around 9:38 pm.

" bro i'm starving. " emanuel whined.

" yeah me too." averman said.

" i think someone should go pick up some food. " averman said.

" what kind though ? "

" let's get pizza. " adam offered.

" sure. " we agreed.

" the question is , who's gonna go get it ? " nia asked.

" i will. " luis said.

" i'll go too. " i said getting up.

i looked down at gabi and nia to see them smiling at smirking. i rolled my eyes and walked out of the dorm to meet luis.


a/n: this sleepover chapter was taken so long. i'm sorry that this chapter is so bad. but i think that the next chapter will be the end of the sleepover unless you guys want to make it the the sleepover over within several chapters <3.

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