chapter three

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the next day.

y/n's pov:

" guys what all are y'all going to pack? " i asked everyone in a group facetime.

" uh clothes? i dont know. " xion answered.

" i'm packing mainly clothes , shoes , girl products , hygiene products , and my hockey gear. " nia said.

" oh crap! my hockey gear. how could i forget that ? " emanuel said in a panicked voice

we all laughed and finished packing

"y/n! come down here please." my mom yelled.

"ya voy!"  ( i'm coming )

" alright guys, my mom needs me downstairs. i'll call you guys later. " i told the group

" okay. byee " gabriela said dragging out the e.

i went downstairs to see my mom in the kitchen cleaning up.

" ya estás lista mija? "  ( are you ready ? )

" si nomas falta mi cepillo de dientes. "
( yeah i just have to pack my toothbrush )

" okay y/n. córrele, ya case te vas. "
( hurry up, you're about to leave. )

i went upstairs and finished packing. once i finished packing, i put my suitcase in the back seat of my car.

i said goodbye to my mom, dad, and siblings. that was hard for me to do. since i'm pretty close to my family.

the group and i were on facetime majority of the way there, but we decided to meet up halfway at a restaurant to have lunch.

" hey guys. " i said.

" hey y/n! " gabriela responded.

" no times for 'hellos'. i'm starving! " emanuel said rushing us inside.

we sat down and talked about how we think eden hall is going to look like , but mainly just how the ice rink will look like. we kept talking until out waitress comes to take our order.

" hi, what can i get you guys the drink ? " the waitress said nicely.

" i'll get a sprite please. " i responded.

" do you guys have sweet tea? " nia asked.

" yes we do ma'am. " the waitress replied.

" okay, i'll take a sweet then. " nia smiled.

" and for you sir ? " she asked xion.

" um, i'll take a sweet tea as well. " he responded.

" and i'll take a water please." gabriela said.

" yeah me too please. " emanuel responded.

" alright. i'll bring them out to you guys soon. " the waitress said walking away from our table.

she brought us our drinks. after a bit, she came back and asked for orders.

she took our orders then brought them back about 20 minutes after.

we ate then headed back on the road.

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