11. Light and Fire

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For the first time in her life, Luciana woke without knowing what she'd be doing that day. Cool sunlight streamed through her bay window and colorful leaves fluttered to the ground outside. Luciana stretched with a yawn and rolled out of bed. She crossed the room on bare feet and poked her head out the door.

There was no sign of Vaughan, though his scent lingered in the hallway. He must've left for the Bane's camp already, Luciana thought. She entered the hallway and glanced into the main room. Vaughan's kamas were missing from the weapon rack.

Luciana returned to her room and rooted through her closet, in search of a suitable pair of clothes. She might not have training to attend anymore, but she could still make herself useful somehow. Useful. She hated that word. What could she be instead of useful?

Helpful, Luciana decided. I can be helpful. Starting by washing those dishes Vaughan never has time for and cleaning up the endless supply of dust he drags into the cabin. I wish it would rain or snow. Maybe things wouldn't be so dry then.

Luciana tied her hair back into a braid and headed to the kitchen area. She sorted through the dirty dishes quickly and filled the sink with warm water. As Luciana fell into a steady rhythm of washing and rinsing, she let her thoughts wander.

Vaughan hasn't given up on my abilities, so I won't either. There must be something I can do to make myself learn. I just wish I knew what. She knit her brows, trying to think. I'll figure something out. I won't be a waste of time.

"You're nothing but a waste of space! A waste of time! I've spent all these years looking after you when I could've been off living my life the way I wanted to! I can't wait until you're old enough to be married off. Better yet, why don't you do me a favor and jump into the middle of a busy street? You'll save your father the hassle of finding you a husband and me the hassle of...everything."

Luciana exhaled slowly, closing her eyes. "She is gone, and I am free," she whispered to herself. She repeated the phrase until her heartbeat began to slow and she was able to keep working.

Luciana set the last of the dishes aside and drained the sink. She began to sift through drawers, in search of a rag to dust with. She memorized the location of each item she came across in the process. Pots and pans are in the first cabinet to the left of the stove. Measuring cups are in the middle drawer above the fourth cabinet. Plates and cups go up above.

At last, she found a suitable rag and headed towards the fireplace to begin. Luciana carefully lifted each item from its perch, dusted beneath it, then dusted the item itself. She looked them over curiously as she went. Most of the items were just little trinkets. Glass animals. Porcelain sculptures. Book ends. The clock.

The items became more peculiar when she reached the bookshelves. There was a jar filled with animal claws, or teeth perhaps. There was a charcoal sketch in a wooden frame, which depicted a wolf howling at the full moon. A small box sat beside the frame. Luciana lifted the lid hesitantly. A woven bracelet made of black hair sat inside. It smelled vaguely familiar.

Luciana cocked her head, drawing in a deep breath. The faint scent of dew, foliage, and cedar lingered on the hair. It reminded her of Fenrys in a way, although she'd always thought he smelled more like heather and oak than foliage and cedar. Luciana closed the box and went on with her dusting.

The front door creaked open presently. Luciana glanced over her shoulder and caught sight of Vaughan. He set his weapons on the table and arched a brow. She'd pulled a chair into the middle of the living room so she could dust the cooling fan suspended from the ceiling.

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