23. Fearful Realizations

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    The days blended together one by one. Vaughan was kept busy with a variety of things. He'd been asked to attend another meeting with Aelin's Court. One meeting turned into two, as new reports rolled in on the Revolutionists' activities across Terrasen and Erilea as a whole.

    The Revolutionist camps around Arcelia were quickly being evacuated as winter set in, Fenrys reported. Arcelian scouts hadn't determined where the camps were being moved to, but they assumed closer to the Oakwald Forest. Aedion had promised to arrange another scouting party of his own to make sure.

    Aeron Tariq was chosen for the patrol yet again, much to Luciana's dismay. Vaughan knew she was trying to hide just how anxious her brother's departure made her, so he'd been doing his best to help her feel better. That task was proving to be more difficult than he'd expected, but still, he kept trying.

    "Guard your center," Vaughan said, stepping behind Luciana. "A well placed blow there will kill you before you have a chance to heal yourself."

    Luciana tightened her hands around the hilt of her wooden sword, moving it into a defensive position. Vaughan kept his movements silent as he attacked. His blade swished through the air. Luciana brought her sword over her shoulder and caught the blow. Vaughan's foot moved towards her waist. She rolled just before he would've struck her.

    Luciana popped back up, flipping her long blonde braid over her shoulder. Vaughan smiled and prowled closer. He jabbed at her stomach, but she easily blocked the attack. They began to trade matched blows. Vaughan tried not to focus on how easy it was to anticipate her moves.

    Luciana balanced lightly on her toes, darting just out of reach when it was apparent she couldn't counter his strikes. Vaughan couldn't help but feel a rush of pride. Luciana grinned, then frowned as he slipped a wooden dagger into his other hand.

    "Let's try it with two blades," he said. "Block them both."

    Luciana seemed wary, but nodded. They launched into another set of moves. Vaughan's sword fended off hers while he swiped at her stomach with the dagger. Luciana barely managed to avoid the blows. A shield of light blazed to life on her forearm, catching one of his strikes.

    "That's new," Vaughan remarked.

    "I'm trying to learn how to concentrate them in one small area," Luciana replied.

    Vaughan nodded and renewed his attack. Luciana's face shone with sweat despite the cool wind swirling around them. She twisted beneath his sword suddenly, turning her back to him. With half a thought, Vaughan wrapped an arm around her waist and dug the tip of his dagger into her stomach. Luciana gasped as he pulled her close, leveling his sword at her throat. Her back pressed against his chest and she trembled slightly.

    "Never turn your back on an enemy," Vaughan murmured.

    Luciana's throat bobbed and he heard her heartbeat quicken. "Never turn your back on an enemy," she repeated. Vaughan released her and stepped back. Luciana's cheeks were red when she faced him. He pretended not to notice.

    "Let's switch to magic," he said. Luciana nodded and handed her sword and dagger over. Light encompassed her body as she began to run through her usual routines.

    Vaughan moved a few paces away from her and watched silently. His curiosity about her magic only grew, the more he watched her use it. He couldn't figure out why. He allowed his thoughts to wander while Luciana trained.

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