24. Reasons and Behavior

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Luciana danced around the kitchen as she straightened things up. It had been far too long since she'd danced. She'd been so busy with training and other things. Perhaps she'd finally have a short break now that the snows were returning. Already, tiny flakes of ice drifted down from the gray clouds outside.

Luciana paused and watched the snow fall, her heart twisting with concern. I hope Aeron will stay warm, she thought. Surely they won't take any unnecessary risks by crossing rivers or streams. Will they be able to find substantial shelter if the snow comes down harder? What if...

"Luci," Vaughan called, interrupting her spiraling thoughts. She glanced over her shoulder. "Aeron will be fine. Aedion grew up in Terrasen. He knows this kingdom inside and out. They'll be perfectly safe, and there are Fae traveling with them who possess fire magic. They'll be warm."

"Are my concerns so obvious?" She asked, ducking her head as an embarrassed flush crept into her cheeks. She resumed her work and stacked a few dishes in one cabinet.

"Only to me," Vaughan chuckled. When she next looked at him, he'd gone rigid, and there was almost a look of fear in his eyes.

"Are you all right?" Luciana asked. "You've been acting a little different lately."

"I'm fine." There was a hard edge to his voice, warning her not to pry further.

Luciana turned away. All right. He can be that way if he wants to. She knit her brows, worried thoughts flooding her mind. Unless, is he acting this way because of me? Has he noticed a change in my behavior? I'm trying not to let anything show, but...

But she couldn't help that her gaze sought him out more frequently. That her heartbeat quickened when their hands accidentally touched. How her worry was doubled when something seemed to be troubling him. She was trying to keep herself under control and hide her emerging feelings. She knew Vaughan probably wouldn't appreciate them. She was doing the best that she could, but what else could she do if her best wasn't enough?

Luciana pulled two frosty glasses out of the small cold box beside the cabinets. "Here." She handed one to Vaughan, then paused, eyeing the title of the book he was reading. "Are you researching Vanth?" She asked.

"Yes," came the clipped response.

Luciana sat on the far side of the room and sipped her own peach smoothie. The silence grew deafening. Not even the gentle scrape of snowflakes against the glass windows put a dent in it. At last, Luciana couldn't bear it.

"Have I done something to upset you?" She asked.

Vaughan closed his book and met her gaze. He seemed conflicted almost. "No, you haven't done anything. I just...I've been struggling with a few things lately. Things you can't help me with," he added before she could ask for elaboration.

Luciana lowered her eyes. "Then why are you taking it out on me?"

"I..." Vaughan seemed at a loss for words. He exhaled slowly. "The things that are bothering me do have something to do with you, but nothing you've done yourself has upset me."

"That doesn't answer my question."

"I'm trying to distance us until I sort everything out," he admitted.

Luciana closed her eyes. "You could've just asked me to leave you alone."

He didn't answer. Minutes ticked by. Luciana's guilt continued to grow as she pondered why Vaughan might be upset, and what it had to do with her. "Fenrys wrote to me," Vaughan said presently. "He's returning to Doranelle and wants me to go with him. Originally, Nascha was going to go, but until they know where the Revolutionists are relocating, they don't want to both be so far from Arcelia."

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