49. Chasing Theories

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    Vaughan entered the ballroom, already searching for Rowan and Lorcan. He had to find them and fast. He wasn't sure what Kron and Malik had planned for Luciana, but it couldn't be good. His mind had already concocted hundreds of ways they could be hurting her. His hands curled into fists and the rage burning in his gut grew colder.

    He caught sight of Rowan first. He was standing off to the side, speaking with Nascha. Both of them perked up when they spotted him. "What's wrong?" Rowan asked, his gaze sweeping over Vaughan.

    "Kron and Malik are the two Fae males who arrived after us," Vaughan replied. "I scented them in the garden. There's two more males with them."

    "Where's Luciana?" Nascha interrupted, peering past Vaughan. "If Kron and Malik are here, she shouldn't be alone."

    "Luci is gone."

    "What?" Rowan and Nascha barked simultaneously.

    "I don't know how they got into the garden, but they did. They took Luciana. There's a blood trail and their scents are still fresh. If we hurry, we might be able to track them."

    "What's going on?" Lorcan called, hurrying over to them.

    "Let's talk in the hallway," Rowan said.

    "I'll find Dorian, Aeron, and Kyllian. They'll need to know what's happening," Nascha added.

    There was a fierce light shining in her hickory eyes, and starlight danced at her fingertips. Vaughan gave a short nod and followed Rowan and Lorcan out of the ballroom. He ignored the curious glances they received from other guests.

    "Brief Lorcan," he muttered, brushing past Rowan. "I'm going to grab my weapons."

    "Vaughan, wait." Rowan grabbed him by the shoulder. Vaughan bared his teeth in a snarl. Rowan didn't balk. "We'll all prepare and begin searching for her as soon as possible. Right now, you need to tell us what you found."

    "The longer we wait, the more time they have to hurt her."

    "We'll be able to track her faster if we all understand what's going on," Lorcan replied. "Calm down."

    "Would you be able to calm down if someone kidnapped Elide?" Vaughan hissed.


    "Aelin was in Maeve's clutches for two months and three days before we found her," Rowan interrupted. "Two months during which she was tortured so brutally that when the healers finally finished piecing her back together, she bore no scars. No tattoos. No calluses. No freckles. Nothing but entirely new skin. I spent two months and three days not knowing what was being done to the woman who was my mate and carranam."

    Vaughan closed his eyes, fighting back the torrent of instincts that flooded his veins. "I know what you're feeling right now, and I know that if you want to have any chance of finding Luciana before they take her out of the city, you have to calm down and think," Rowan finished.

    "I can't," he whispered.

    "You have to."

    "I could've prevented this. I knew something was going to happen. I've dreamed about it for weeks, but I was too much of a coward to accept the truth. I waited too long and now..."

    "Vaughan," Rowan snapped. "That doesn't matter right now. What matters is finding Luciana. So think. Tell us what you found. Tell us what you dreamed. Maybe you know something that can help us."

    Vaughan opened his eyes as footsteps approached. Nascha was sprinting towards them with Dorian and Manon in tow. Chaol and Yrene weren't far behind. "I couldn't find Aeron or Kyllian," Nascha said. "I told Evangeline to stay in the ballroom and tell them to find one of us if she sees them."

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