72. A Slow and Painful Journey

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Luciana blinked her eyes open with a groan. Dull pain throbbed between her temples. She squinted against the morning sunlight, peering through the budding branches of the trees. She was still in the forest outside of Suria. Chattering voices floated around her.

Luciana sat up slowly, taking in her surroundings. She had been lying on a cloak. The edges of it were tipped in frost. Tree trunks and grass were also coated in a thin layer of ice. There were no campfires burning, despite the people milling about the area. They couldn't risk drawing the Revolutionists' attention. Not now.

Luciana pulled her pendant out from beneath her leathers and breathed a sigh of relief when she felt Vaughan's heartbeat. It was slow, but steady. She pressed the pendant to her lips, squeezing her eyes shut. Footsteps crunched on frozen blades of grass and paws padded beside them.

"You're awake," Aeron said. "Good."

Luciana glanced up at him while reaching out to pet Brin as the dog bounded over to her. "What happened?"

"You passed out after..." Aeron rubbed the back of his neck. "We're returning to Orynth today. I'm going to speak with Rowan, Aelin, and Kyllian about our plans. You can come with me. We'll check on Vaughan afterwards."

Luciana's throat bobbed and she nodded. Aeron offered her a hand. She took it and let him pull her to her feet. Luciana closed her eyes once more as her surroundings began to spin. "I have such a bad headache," she grumbled.

Aeron sighed. "We all have headaches today. Explosions do a number on the head."

Luciana patted her thigh and Brin fell in step with her. They followed Aeron through the trees until they came across the King and Queen. Luciana didn't look at the numerous injured who lay on the crimson stained ground. Kyllian joined Rowan and Aelin just as they did. He drew close to Aeron, who laced their fingers together.

Aelin glanced at Luciana. "How are you doing?"

"As expected, I suppose."

Aelin lowered her gaze. "I'm sorry." Her voice became quieter. "Vaughan was right. We should've retreated at once."

"So why didn't we?" Kyllian asked, a hint of anger in his voice. Rowan flashed him a warning look. To his credit, Kyllian didn't flinch.

"I thought we could hold the line," Aelin said. "I thought I could. Giving up Suria meant condemning its citizens to who knows what kinds of horrors, and giving the Revolutionists a foothold in Terrasen. Terrasen and her people have suffered enough war already. I didn't want to... I couldn't put my people in danger again." Aelin rested her forehead in her palm.

Luciana hesitated, then touched her Queen's shoulder. "The people know their city better than the Revolutionists do. I'm sure many of them will be able to escape and find somewhere safe to hide until Suria is free again. We've done all we can. It's time to protect Terrasen at her heart."

"She's right," Rowan said. "From Suria, it's a straight shot to Orynth, and the capital is already vulnerable to the west. Aedion is preparing to engage the Revolutionists as we speak. He'll defend Orynth's western walls. We should try to reach the eastern ones as soon as possible, before the Revolutionists move out."

Aelin's blonde head bobbed in agreement. "Anyone who's able to should leave now. I'll stay and help the healers move the injured."

"So will I," Luciana said, swallowing the bile that rose in her throat.

Aeron raised an eyebrow. "Are you sure? You know what you might see."

"I know, but I've been helping the healers since we arrived. I know what to do, and I can help defend the wounded if we're attacked."

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