42. Courtly Assemblance

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    Luciana skipped about her room, gathering up her small coin purse and shopping list. The day had finally come for her and Vaughan to go into Orynth. She would be glad to do some shopping for a change. It had been ages since she'd been able to wander through Orynth's many market streets. Perhaps, if the meeting didn't take too long, Nascha would be able to join her later.

    Luciana left her bedroom just as Vaughan left his. He beat her to her cloak. Vaughan settled the thick material over her shoulders and fastened it at her throat. Luciana avoided meeting his gaze. He'd been acting even stranger than normal and she wasn't sure why. She was almost afraid to ask, knowing that the answer could have something to do with her.

    "I'll go with you to whichever store you plan on visiting first, and then make my way to the palace," Vaughan said quietly.

    "All right." Luciana ducked past him and stepped outside. "I'll race you to the city." A shadow of a smile crossed Vaughan's lips. She shifted into her ocelot and bounded into the snowy woods. An osprey's cry followed her.

    Luciana put on a burst of speed and snow sprayed beneath her paws. Vaughan's shadow appeared just ahead of her. She glanced up in time to see him perform a flawless loop. Show off, Luciana thought. Vaughan's head swiveled towards her, as though he'd heard the name.

    He swooped down and Luciana ran faster, narrowly avoiding him. She kicked up another round of snow and purred when it splattered against Vaughan's feathers. He pecked at her tail and she yelped. Vaughan gave a delighted trill before soaring out of reach. Luciana narrowed her eyes and scampered up a tree. She began weaving her way through the snow laden branches, keeping her movements silent and precise.

    Vaughan looked back, but didn't seem to see her. He flew back down into the trees and searched for her. Luciana kept going, not bothering to bask in her slight victory. Vaughan chirped and kept flying, his shrewd obsidian gaze still searching for her. Luciana could make out a clearing up ahead. That was usually where they shifted into themselves and continued into Orynth on foot. If she kept going at this pace, she'd make it to the clearing before Vaughan.

    Vaughan chirped again and began to circle around. She guessed he was looking for her tracks. Luciana chuffed in amusement, but kept hauling herself through the tree branches. She was almost to the clearing. Vaughan came to a halt below her and gave a shrill cry. Luciana paused. There was a hint of panic in his eyes.

    Luciana gathered herself and leaped out of the tree. She collided with Vaughan, who shifted as they fell. She shifted too and the two of them crashed into the snow. Vaughan lifted his head, wiping snow from his face. Luciana laughed and pushed herself off of him. Vaughan grabbed her by the waist before she could stand. Luciana paused. That panicked look was still in his eyes.

    "I went into the branches," Luciana explained with a smile. "I was one step ahead of you the whole time."

    Vaughan closed his eyes. "I need you to stay where I can see you."

    Luciana tilted her head. "Why?"

    "I..." Vaughan hesitated, then sighed. "Nevermind. I'm sorry." He didn't loosen his hold on her.

    Luciana swallowed hard and bit her lower lip. "You'll be late for your meeting if we don't keep moving."

    Vaughan's arms vanished from her sides. Luciana rolled off his chest and stood, and he picked himself up as well. They dusted the snow off themselves as they continued walking. Neither of them said anything more. Vaughan accompanied Luciana to the first shop she planned to visit, then procured a promise that she would meet him back there within two hours.

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