38. Gentle Encouragement

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    Within four days, the snow had lessened. Luciana couldn't stifle the hope that sparked in her chest. If the predictions circulating through the camp were right, the blizzard would be gone in another day or two. Medicine and supplies would arrive, Aeron would recover, and she and Vaughan could return home.

    Luciana grimaced and smoothed out the quilts on the bed. Home, where things are bound to be awkward, she thought to herself. Because I care for Vaughan and he doesn't care for me. Not in the same way. I can't believe I said all of that to him. What was I thinking?

    Luciana sat on the edge of the bed and hid her face in her palms. A floorboard creaked outside the room. "Are you all right?" Kyllian asked.

    She glanced up. "I'm fine. Are you leaving?"

    "Aeron fell asleep while I was talking," Kyllian laughed. "So I suppose so."

    "He seemed in better spirits after your last visit. Maybe you should stay until he wakes up again. It'll only be an hour or two, I'm sure."

    "I don't know." Kyllian looked back over his shoulder at Aeron's door.

    Luciana clasped her hands together and averted her eyes. "Can I ask you something?"


    "Why haven't you made anything official yet?"

    Kyllian leaned against the doorframe with a heavy sigh. "Aeron doesn't want to. He's afraid I'll lose Aedion and Elgan's respect and be demoted. He doesn't want me to receive backlash from the troops on his behalf. He doesn't want to distract me from the matters at hand."

    "I don't think Aedion and Elgan will demote you simply because you chose to have a relationship with Aeron," Luciana replied.

    "Elgan definitely wouldn't approve, and Aedion would have a list of concerns, but no. They wouldn't demote me. I don't think I have to worry about our soldiers very much either, now that Kron and Malik are gone. The same goes for Aeron."

    "Then...do me a favor." Luciana looked up, meeting his gaze. "Make things official before spring. I want you to have time together, in case..."

    "We will," Kyllian promised. "One way or another, we will." It was his turn to look away. "How would you feel if Aeron bound his life to mine?"

    "Sad, but relieved."

    "Relieved?" He arched a brow.

    Luciana nodded. "Aeron cares for you very deeply. It would kill him to live for centuries after you passed on. I've seen what that type of grief does to a person. I wouldn't wish it on anyone. Especially not my brother."

    "Then..." Kyllian lifted his head, a hopeful sparkle in his chestnut eyes. "You approve?"

    Luciana smiled. "I thought that was obvious."

    Kyllian rubbed the back of his neck with a sheepish grin. "How goes your own endeavors? Aeron has told me you seem to fancy the former Osprey of Doranelle."

    "My endeavors aren't exactly endeavors. I've made no moves on him, and I don't believe he will ever make a move on me. Truthfully..." Luciana hesitated, then continued. "I'm not even sure if he likes females."

    "Oh." Kyllian's forehead wrinkled. "From experience, most men will make their preferences known as soon as they pick up on your feelings. I can't tell you how many times I've had to tell a female that I'm not interested, or was very rudely told off by men I found attractive. If Vaughan hasn't made his preferences clear by now, odds are, that's not why he isn't returning your feelings."

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