21. Beautiful Reminders

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The artwork above is not mine.

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    The cold spell that had gripped Terrasen was loosening its hold as the days passed. Vaughan assured Luciana that the warmth wouldn't last for long. The snows would come again soon, and winter would set in. They both knew that there was a lot of work to be done before then.

    Vaughan had drafted several new training routines for Luciana to follow while he was gone at the Bane's camp during the day. She was supposed to be working on her hand to hand combat skills, her magical abilities, her talent with a bow, and she had new moves to work out with the wooden dagger and sword he'd made for her. As soon as they were both comfortable with her abilities, they would upgrade to actual weapons.

    Vaughan watched his students run through their own forms as he wondered how Luciana was faring with hers. He hadn't spent much time with her since the night at the dance hall, although he'd reassured her time and again that it was because he was busy, not because of anything she'd done. He wasn't sure she believed him.

    "They're doing well."

    Vaughan's gaze flickered to Lorcan as the Demi-Fae joined him. "They've been working their asses off for months. They should be doing well." He lowered his voice and asked, "Why are you here? Has something come up?"

    "I was delivering a letter to Aedion."

    "Aelin made up her mind?" 

    "She did, although she wouldn't tell any of us what her decision was."

    "Hm. I suppose we'll find out soon enough. When are you returning to Perranth?"

    "In another day or two. Rowan insisted that I wait for the snow to melt before heading out."

    "Why? It's not like the snow is colder than your heart," Vaughan chuckled.

    Lorcan raised an eyebrow. "Did you just make a joke?"

    "I have that ability, the same as anyone."

    "I know, but you never use it."

    "I didn't know how to. I thought it was time that I try to learn." Vaughan returned his attention to his students, calling out another set of instructions. They scurried to obey. "By the way, I've been told that Aedion has a small dick."

    A slow smile grew on Lorcan's lips. "By whom?"

    "Someone who has a lot of thoughts but doesn't know how to share them."

    Lorcan gave a short nod. "Maybe they should learn how."

    "I'll let them know."

    Lorcan crossed his arms. Vaughan felt his gaze, but didn't meet it. "It's nice to see you like this."

    "Like what?"

    "More like yourself. Or, the person I imagine you really are." Vaughan furrowed his brows, his confusion only growing. "Maeve changed us all," Lorcan murmured. "But I think she changed you more than the rest of us."

    "I disagree. She changed Connall too."

    "Connall changed himself. Maeve changed you."

    "What do you mean?" Vaughan finally faced his former Commander.

    "Connall became the male we knew on his own. Maeve's actions influenced the change, but she didn't directly cause it. Connall made the decision to act the way he did. But you... She changed you. With every night she spent with you, with every kernel of your magic that she made you use, with every life she forced you to destroy, she changed you."

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