36. Mistakes of Attraction

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Luciana followed Vaughan through the Bane's camp, slogging through knee deep snow. He'd insisted that she stay home that morning, but she refused. It had been snowing for a week and she was sick of being stuck indoors. She wanted to see Aeron and make sure Vaughan didn't do something stupid, like try to leave the camp if the snow began again. Judging by the bag slung over his shoulder, she didn't think she had to worry too much.

Dark clouds still hung overhead and a frigid breeze chilled Luciana to the bone. She summoned her magic, letting her palms warm. Gradually, that warmth spread to the rest of her body and she managed to cease shivering.

"I'll speak with Aedion while you go find Aeron," Vaughan said. She nodded and broke away from him, setting off in the direction of Aeron's hut. "Luci!" She paused. "Don't leave unless I come for you. We might not want to risk going back to the cabin today." She waved to show that she'd heard, then carried on.

Every step she took piled more snow into her boots. She grimaced at the feeling. Thankfully, it took only a few minutes to reach the hut. Luciana blew through the door, startling Aeron who sat near the fireplace. "What the hell are you doing out right now?" He asked, leaping to his feet.

"Vaughan needed to speak with Aedion and I didn't want to stay at the cabin by myself."

Luciana peeled her boots off and cracked the door open long enough to dump the snow out of them. Aeron helped her out of her thick cloak, then hung it on a hook nearby. Luciana set her boots upside down before the fire and claimed a seat. Aeron dropped into the other. A cough rattled in his chest and he winced.

"Are you all right?" Luciana asked.

"I'll be fine. I think it's just a cold," Aeron replied. "A few of the novices have had them, but there's been one or two people actually sick with a fever and congestion." He closed his eyes and leaned his head back.

Luciana cast her gaze about the room. "You cleaned."

Aeron coughed again. "Kyllian came over last night for a little while."

"Oh?" She flashed him a crooked grin.

He rolled his eyes. "Nothing happened. I was tired and felt like shit so he left shortly after sunset." Aeron sighed. "I thought he might come again today, but I suppose he's been busy."

"Probably. Vaughan said something came up regarding the Revolutionists. That's why he had to speak with Aedion. I'm sure Kyllian and Elgan are with them."

Aeron knit his brows. "What happened?"

Luciana shrugged. "He didn't say. He wouldn't even tell me how he found out. Vaughan has a lot of secrets. I'm limiting myself to learning only the ones that are necessary for now."

"I see."

Another bout of coughing overtook Aeron. Luciana straightened when it worsened. Aeron leaned forward, rubbing his chest until his coughing eased. She rose and approached him. Luciana brushed her knuckles across his forehead, then frowned.

"You have a fever," she said. "Were you around any of those other people who were sick?"

"I don't remember," he answered hoarsely. "A fever explains why I feel so bad. They've always hit me hard. Something I inherited from my mother. She died of a fever."

"You should try to sleep. Do you have any medicinal herbs stored around here, or would the medics have something to bring your fever down?"

"I'm not dying, Luci," Aeron chuckled. "I'll be fine."

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