40. Circling Questions

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    Luciana hummed to herself as she tidied up Aeron's hut one last time. After two and a half weeks, she and Vaughan were finally preparing to return home. Aeron was steadily getting better, thanks to the medicine Vaughan had brought, and the snowstorms were supposed to hold off until after Yulemas.

    Of course, Yulemas was only a little over a week and a half away now, Luciana had realized one evening. She hadn't gotten any shopping done yet and the thought held no appeal to her. All she wanted to do right now was train and sleep. It felt like months since her last training session.

    Although, if I count that night with Vaughan, Luciana thought, I suppose it's only been a few days. But I couldn't call that a successful training session. I didn't work out the move he was trying to teach me.

    Her cheeks warmed at the memory and she quickly shoved it out of her mind. Vaughan had been acting strange again ever since that night. Luciana wasn't sure why. Every time he looked at her, it was as though he were checking to make sure she was still...safe. There was a hint of fear in his gaze and she couldn't help but wonder why he would be afraid, and if she should be too.

    The answer was yes, if her dreams were any indication. She suffered from the same nightmare each time she fell asleep. That strange male never revealed any new clues about her fate or how to change it. He just stood there whispering over and over, "Unless light and fire unite, four will come and steal in the night." She couldn't decipher his meaning.

    Luciana pursed her lips and lifted a few books off a shelf. She dusted beneath them, then replaced the tomes and moved on. Maybe I should hire a maid for Aeron. That can be his Yulemas gift, she thought with a giggle. Unless Kyllian keeps coming over. Then Aeron might keep cleaning the hut regularly.

    "What are you grinning about?" Aeron called, appearing in the kitchen.

    "I was just thinking about your Yulemas present," Luciana replied. "A romantic trip for two, destination Skull's Bay?"

    Aeron grimaced. "No one goes to Skull's Bay for a romantic trip. I'd rather go to the Southern Continent."

    "I'll make a note of that. Do you think Kyllian gets seasick?"

    Aeron rolled his eyes. "I don't know, and how did I guess this trip would be for the two of us?"

    Luciana beamed, batting her eyelashes coyly. "Because your sister is very loving and supportive."

    "Is she though?" Aeron dashed across the room and grabbed her around the middle. Luciana shrieked as he lifted her off the floor. Aeron slung her over his shoulder and began to traipse about the room.

    "Put me down!" Luciana laughed, smacking a fist on Aeron's back. "You're not supposed to strain yourself!"

    "I'm hardly straining myself," Aeron replied. "And I'll set you down if you promise to stop teasing Kyllian and I at every turn."

    "That's an impossible request."

    "Then I suggest you make yourself comfortable."


    Luciana screamed again as Aeron let her fall further over his shoulder, until he was only holding onto her by her knees. A door creaked open and Luciana managed to lift her head. Vaughan stood in the doorway of their bedroom, an amused smile on his lips. Still, there was a wary glint in his obsidian eyes.

    "Aeron, put me down!" Luciana giggled once more. "Vaughan, help me!"

    Vaughan shook his head and a few wisps of dark hair dusted his brow, having fallen out of his braid. "I think you can handle him yourself."

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