12. Interaction

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"So," Aeron huffed, lowering himself into another pushup, "how do you like living with the mysterious Osprey of Doranelle?"

Luciana did another pushup of her own before replying. "I'm not sure. It's only been a week. That seems too soon to decide how I feel about it."

"You stayed with him two weeks before my patrol returned." Aeron clenched his jaw and Luciana knew his thoughts had turned to the reason why she'd begun staying with Vaughan. He hadn't reacted well when she told him what Kron and Malik had done. As far as she knew, Aeron hadn't sought revenge, but she could be mistaken.

"And we were always busy. We were only at the cabin to sleep."

"Well, you're there more often now. What do you do with your new spare time?"

"Practice my magic. Read. Cook. Clean. This." She tipped her head towards the ground and did another pushup. Sweat beaded across her forehead, despite the coolness of the air. They were even working in the shadow of Aeron's hut, and she was still hot.

"Are you his roommate or his housemaid?" Aeron chuckled.

Luciana rolled her eyes with a grin. "Neither. I have my own room, in case you forgot."

"Thank goodness for that. I'd be more than a little upset if I heard you were sharing a bed in addition to living together."

"Why?" Luciana dropped to the ground and elbowed Aeron's side. He grunted but didn't lose his focus. "Are you jealous?"

"Who wouldn't be?"

Luciana rolled onto her back and clasped her hands beneath her head, giving herself a chance to cool down. "Well, there's no reason to be. I hardly see him even when we're both there and I certainly don't see him without clothes on."

"That's too bad."

"Why?" Luciana snorted.

"Because that male has the body of a god."

"More so than Fenrys?"

"Of course not. Fenrys is..." Aeron shook his head and laughed. "It's not fair to compare anyone to Fenrys. That doesn't make Vaughan any less beautiful, of course."

"Of course."

"Have you ever seen him shirtless during training?"

"No, have you?"

Aeron nodded. "A few times. I've been tempted to offer myself before."

Luciana sat up and covered her face with her hands. "That's wonderful, Aeron. Why don't you do that, but please don't tell me when you do."

Aeron laughed and draped an arm over her shoulders. "I'll make sure you're out of hearing, don't worry." Luciana lowered her hands with a resigned sigh. "Seriously though. Have you learned anything about him? Anything at all?"

Luciana shrugged. "Besides the fact that he loves peaches and eats one every morning?"

"Vaughan likes peaches? That's interesting."

Luciana hesitated, then added, "I finally convinced him to show me his magic the day after I moved in."


She nodded and bit her lip. "But I shouldn't say anything more than that. He claims to hate his magic and I doubt he'd like me telling everyone about it."

"Don't worry. You don't have to tell me anything you don't want to." Aeron hopped to his feet and offered her a hand. Luciana let him help her up and they began their next set of exercises.

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