66. The Beginning

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    Luciana straightened as Brin began to growl. Hoofbeats sounded beyond the cabin walls. She narrowed her eyes and peered through a window. A familiar Fae dismounted and hurried into the cabin. Brin ceased growling when she saw Vaughan.

    "What's going on?" Luciana asked, following Vaughan back into their bedroom.

    "It's starting." Vaughan bustled around the room, grabbing different items. "Banjalli and Bellhaven are under siege. Reports say that Revolutionists are closing in on Meah and Rifthold as well. Their next target will be Suria."

    "They're taking the ports," Luciana realized.

    Vaughan nodded. "Likely so that their leaders and supporters overseas can travel and dock safely."

    "So what are we doing?"

    "Going to Suria." Vaughan straightened, finally meeting her gaze. "Aeron's unit is already there. Fighting will begin within the hour. Aedion is taking troops to defend Orynth if the Revolutionists breach Suria. Kyllian and I are going to aid Aeron."

    Luciana gulped. "I'm coming with you."

    Vaughan cupped her cheek in his hand and kissed her gently. "I know. Gather your things. We won't be coming back here for a while."

    Luciana nodded and Vaughan turned back to his armor. He changed into a different set of leathers and threw a few pairs into a satchel, then began to strap his armor in place. Luciana followed suit, grabbing her own pair of brown leathers. She slid the chainmail tunic over that and began to put on her armor as Vaughan had taught her.

    Vaughan finished before she did and came over to help. He buckled her sheath to her hips and made sure Ailuros was secure within it. Luciana slung her bow and quiver over her shoulder, and pulled her hair back into a braid. Vaughan was hiding an assortment of throwing knives into sheaths beneath her plates of armor. At last, he stepped back. His gaze swept over the room.

    Luciana turned to the vanity, where her pendant was lying. She picked it up and closed her eyes, feeling the steady beat of Vaughan's heart through the metal. Luciana unclasped the pendant and carefully slipped her wedding ring onto the chain. She glanced over her shoulder and caught Vaughan's eye.

    "I don't want to lose it," she explained. "It'll be safer on the necklace than on my finger."

    Vaughan removed his own and offered it to her. "Keep an eye on mine too." Luciana added his ring to the pendant before looping it around her neck. She tucked it safely beneath her leathers. "Start tunneling into your magic, but use it sparingly. We're going to need everything we have if the Revolutionists overrun us. Fae will be Orynth's last line of defense. We have to be ready."

    "We will be," Luciana promised.

    She threw her arms around Vaughan's neck and hugged him tightly. All to soon, Vaughan let go. He smothered the fire on the hearth and did the same in the kitchen and living room. Brin followed them out the door. Vaughan lifted Luciana into the saddle of his horse, then swung up behind her. To her confusion, they didn't ride in the direction of the Bane's camp. Instead, they headed towards the nearest ferry slip on the Florine River. Brin trotted alongside them.

    "Are we ferrying to Suria?" Luciana asked, knitting her brows.

    "No, we're just meeting Kyllian's unit at the ferry. We'll ride to Suria and intercept any Revolutionist forces we meet on the way."

    "How long do you think the fighting will last?"

    "I don't know. It could be a few days. It could be several weeks. Given the strength in the Revolutionists' numbers, I'd say the latter is more likely." Vaughan's arm tightened around her waist. "If you change your mind, I'll send you to Orynth. You'll be safe there."

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