62. Love and Trust

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    Luciana's heart hammered against her ribs as she stepped out of the tub to dry herself off. Vaughan had already left the bathroom as she'd requested. She wasn't sure why she'd bothered asking in the first place, when he was about to see every inch of her anyway. A mixture of emotions swam through Luciana's gut. Nervousness and anticipation were the most prominent.

    She was doing her best to hide her nervousness, knowing that Vaughan could likely sense it through their carranam bond. She could feel his own mixed emotions as well. Luciana wrapped a towel around herself and braced her hands on the edge of the sink, exhaling slowly.

    We both have reservations, she thought. And that's all right. We can work around them and stop if it becomes too difficult. Despite her nervousness, she was determined to try. She wanted this, and she did not want to spend the rest of her life being too afraid to.

    This will be different, Luciana told herself. Vaughan won't hurt me. I won't hurt him. We love each other. We respect each other. We will take care of one another.

    Luciana closed her eyes and drew a few steadying breaths. Gradually, she felt herself growing more calm. She let those relaxed feelings pass to Vaughan through the carranam bond. A smile flickered across her lips.

    How many times had she thought about this before? How many times had she looked at Vaughan and wanted to do something to demonstrate how much she loved him? How many times had she wanted to make him feel good? Safe? Happy? Too many times to count.

    Warmth tinged her cheeks. She now had that chance, and she would make the most of it. She wasn't going to be the broken victim. She was going to overcome, as she always did. She would do it for her sake, and for Vaughan's. It was what they both deserved, after so long. Luciana let her hair down out of its coil and combed her fingers through the ends of it. She made sure her towel was secure before leaving the bathroom.

    Vaughan's bedroom door hung partially open. Luciana hesitated, then entered. Her eyes widened in surprise at the sight before her. Several tapered candles glowed throughout the room, giving off sweet scents. The bed was freshly made and looked invitingly cozy in the dim firelight reflecting from the hearth and candles. Two wine glasses sat on a nightstand, already filled with a fizzy pink liquid. A plate of chocolates accompanied the glasses.

    Luciana smiled as strong arms encircled her waist and Vaughan hooked his chin over her shoulder. "I wanted it to feel a little more...romantic, than what we've both experienced," he said.

    "Do you casually keep a set of perfumed candles for when you have special company?" Luciana giggled.

    "Maybe." His lips touched the spot below her ear.

    "And the chocolates?"

    "We all crave sweet things from time to time." He let go as Luciana made her way over to the bed.

    She took one of the chocolates and popped it in her mouth. Silky caramel melted on her tongue as she bit into the candy. Vaughan closed the door softly. Luciana sampled the wine next. She furrowed her brows, then smiled.

    "Peach?" She guessed.

    "Peach," Vaughan chuckled. "I have to have something to sustain me until summer."

    "Where have you been hiding it? I never saw it in the cabinets."

    "Under my bed," he admitted. "And there's a few bottles in some of my trunks."

    Luciana rolled her eyes and took another sip. "Who knew the fearsome Osprey of Doranelle had such a crippling addiction to peaches?"

    Vaughan's smile didn't quite reach his eyes. He took his glass and drank too. "Not Doranelle," he said at last. "Never Doranelle again."

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