70. Overrun

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Vaughan sat on an overturned bucket, carefully piecing together several arrows. Their supply was running low. As were the components needed to make more. Everything was running low these days, food, water, medical equipment... Three weeks of fighting had taken its toll on the army, but at least Suria had not fallen. Still, Vaughan doubted fresh supplies would arrive before the next Revolutionist attack.

Vaughan glanced at Luciana's sleeping figure as she made a small sound. Brin lifted her head and watched her intently. The dog was curled up at her side, as she had been every night. Vaughan sent a gentle touch across the Mating Bond and Luciana's features relaxed.

Vaughan sighed, massaging his forehead wearily. He hadn't had much time to check on Luciana these days, between all of the fighting and everything that came after. The only times he really saw her was when they were discussing new strategies, going to sleep, or taking care of their injuries.

He'd been wounded more times than he cared to admit. Rowan and Aelin had been too. Rowan's latest injury had been an ax to the shoulder, leaving his arm temporarily disabled. Aelin had suffered arrows to the stomach, but luckily a healer was close by and managed to help her before the wounds became fatal. Vaughan's worst injury had been a mace to the chest. He was lucky his lungs and chest cavity hadn't collapsed, and the worst he suffered was a lack of oxygen and several broken ribs.

Luciana made another sound, swatting at something invisible. Light gleamed beneath her skin, proof of the swell of magic she was holding inside. It wouldn't be long before she reached her limit. Vaughan was nearing his own as well. Luckily, their magic would be needed soon. He was certain of that.

Luciana rolled over and Brin rested her head on her waist. Vaughan smiled faintly. He should be sleeping too, but he couldn't bring himself to face the dreams that awaited him. When Luciana had expressed an aversion to sleeping as well, Vaughan had asked her to shield the tent. He'd taken his time, slowly, gently, bringing her over the edge, until she was fully relaxed. Sleep had come quickly for her then, but not for him. There was too much on his mind.

Reports say the Revolutionists pushed through the Perranth Mountains, he thought. Lorcan is returning to Perranth to help Elide, even though the Revolutionists don't seem interested in capturing the city. Arcelia and Rosamel are still holding strong. Allsbrook is flagging, but Elgan is supposed to send them reinforcements. Caraverre and Arran are still safe.

Vaughan rubbed his temples, trying to sort through the scattered information that filled his head. Orynth is now vulnerable to the west. Aedion will hold the Revolutionists off as long as he can, but he's going to need help soon. I'm not sure how much longer we can hold Suria either. Rolfe's ships can ward off any incoming Revolutionist vessels to buy us more time, but not indefinitely. We're going to have to...

Vaughan straightened, hearing a muffled boom in the distance. Brin lifted her head, growling softly. The boom came again, closer this time. Vaughan dropped to the ground and shook Luciana's shoulder. "What?" She grumbled, smacking his hand.

"Get up," Vaughan hissed. "Hurry. Something is happening."

Luciana sat up, blinking rapidly. Vaughan grabbed his kamas and sheathed them between his shoulder blades. He buckled his sword belt to his hips and made sure his daggers and throwing knives were in place. Luciana tugged her boots on and he retrieved her sword, bow, and quiver. Luciana took them wordlessly. She tucked their rings and her pendant beneath her leathers and checked the straps on her armor. Vaughan was busy tightening his own.

"What's going on?" Luciana asked, her voice still scratchy. She and Brin followed him out of the tent.

"I don't know." Vaughan peered between the tents. He couldn't see much, despite the brightness of the moon overhead. The repeating booms were growing louder with every minute.

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