28. Part of the Story

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    She dreamed of him that night, although she didn't want to. She dreamed that he was burning something. She felt his fear as sharply as though it were her own. Fear shifted into misery when he lay in bed. She wanted to comfort him, but she didn't know how.

    Her mysterious companion gestured to the male, urging her to go to him. She relented, and to her surprise, the male reached for her. He drew her into a tight embrace, and then they were falling. They were falling through time, their grip on one another the only thing keeping them from being flung into the dark abyss.

    She kept her eyes squeezed shut, drinking in the male's comforting scent. Rich spices, ash, and crisp night air. "Open your eyes," the glowing male urged. She obeyed, peering past her anchor's shoulder. They were tumbling past portals. Through them, she saw glimpses of different scenes.

    They were dancing at a ball. They were talking and laughing. They were separated. She was in some unknown location with shrouded faces leering over her. He was searching for her. He found her, but too late.

    She was sobbing. He was seething. Blood ran thick, pooling on a stone floor. His hands were stained crimson. The stain was gone the next instant, when he was touching her face and guiding her lips to his. She saw two shining tethers. Both led to him. Both connected them.

    There was a battlefield, littered with carnage. They were both covered in gore. Their hands were joined and power emanated from them, shielding an entire camp from an oncoming army. They were burning and burning, gold, silver, and black. Then, he fell. And she did. There was a third heartbeat. A faint one. And silence.

    "Our power has waited for generations to be reunited," her guide murmured. "And someday soon, it will be."

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    Luciana woke with a start, her hand flying to her chest. Light bloomed from her skin. She hurried to smother it before Nascha woke. She was too late. "Luci?" Nascha sat up in her makeshift bed on the floor, rubbing her eyes wearily. "What's wrong?"

    "Nothing. It was just a dream." Luciana drew a few deep breaths, attempting to calm herself. An image flashed before her eyes, Vaughan's hands cupping her face as he leaned down to kiss her. She blushed and shoved the scene aside. "A really weird dream."

    "What was it about?"

    "I don't know how to describe it." Luciana drew her knees up to her chest and braced her elbow atop them, settling her chin in her palm. "I keep seeing this male in my dreams. His features aren't defined, but I can tell he has dark skin. He's tall, with a deep voice, and there's always a golden glow around him. He's been showing me things and giving me cryptic messages. Does it mean something or am I just...crazy?"

    Nascha seemed a little more awake as she replied, "I don't think you're crazy. Maybe he's someone you once knew. Someone reaching through the veil of Life and Death to speak with you. I've had dreams where I'm talking to my parents and brothers. Connall has spoken to Fenrys a few times."

    "I don't know this male," Luciana said. "And he can't be related to me, unless it's a very distant relation."

    "Have you spoken to Vaughan about it?"

    Luciana shook her head and sighed. "I doubt I'll have the chance to when he gets back either. I might be moving out."


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