22. Owed Confessions

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    Vaughan circled Luciana, eyeing her form as she squared off against Aeron. Both clutched wooden swords. Aeron wore a cocky grin, while Luciana seemed determined. "Begin," Vaughan ordered, and their swords collided with a dull thud.

    They began slowly, but gradually built up speed. Aeron attacked; Luciana parried and returned the blow. They stepped around one another, occasionally throwing in a few punches and kicks. Luciana restrained her magic, per Vaughan's orders. Aeron had no magic to counter hers with, so they would work that in when it was Vaughan's turn to spar with her. She seemed to be doing just fine without it anyway.

    Luciana did nothing but train these days. She was training when Vaughan left in the morning. She was training when he came home in the evening. She worked out every new move he gave her, and sometimes more besides. Vaughan couldn't wait for the day Aedion, Elgan, and Kyllian saw her in action. They would be shocked by the changes that had taken place. He wouldn't be surprised if they tried to convince her to rejoin the Bane.

    That could become an option, seeing as Kron and Malik were no longer there. Aelin had discharged them from the Bane. In fact, she'd discharged them from Terrasen's army entirely. Vaughan hadn't missed the look of relief that crossed Aedion and Aeron's faces when the news was announced. Kron and Malik had been gone for two days, and already, things were running smoother in the camp.

    He had considered taking Luciana there to train, but when he suggested the idea, she was quick to shut it down. There had been a look of anxiety within her golden eyes. He hadn't seen that look in some time. Vaughan dropped the idea without a word of protest, and Luciana continued training there, at the cabin.

    Luciana hit the ground and coughed, flipping onto her side. Aeron winced, but made no move to help her. She sat up after a few moments, still drawing ragged breaths. "Do you have to hit so hard?" She grunted.

    "Become accustomed to pain," Vaughan said before Aeron had a chance to reply. "In a real fight, your enemies will be trying to hurt you. Train as though Aeron is your enemy. Train as though every move you make is all that stands between you and your death."

    "That's a rather foreboding thought." Luciana picked herself up and reclaimed her wooden sword.

    "Foreboding, but true. Your father specialized in the art of war. Surely you heard him say similar things from time to time."

    "When I did, I had to appear like I wasn't listening, or both Mother and Father lost their tempers."

    "I thought Brye doted on you," Aeron said. They fell into position and began to trade blows again.

    "He did, as long as I stayed in my place and didn't displease him. A sure way to displease him was to seem interested in doing the things he did." Luciana's lips pressed into a thin line. "It was like he thought that just because I'm a female, I'm incapable of learning to use my magic or defending myself. I was incapable of being a fighter like him."

    Vaughan couldn't explain the cold ember of anger that sparked in his veins. "My place was in the house, doing nothing and saying nothing," Luciana continued. "My purpose was to be a glass doll for them to dress up and parade around, and someday, sell to the highest bidder."

    "That's not your purpose here," Aeron said firmly. "And don't let yourself think otherwise."

    "Easier said than done."

    Vaughan crossed his arms as he watched. Luciana added more force to her strikes, driving Aeron back a few paces. Her jaw was clenched and there was a dark look in her eyes. Something else was bothering her. Luciana struck harder and harder. Aeron took every blow she dealt, but at last, his gaze snapped to Vaughan's.

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