51. Blurry Blame

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She couldn't break free. She couldn't force them off. She couldn't summon her magic. She couldn't fight back. She knew that. Still, she kept trying. Luciana thrashed against her chains. Against the legs that held hers down and the hands that crawled over her skin. She wept and screamed, despite the gag in her mouth. She kept reaching for her magic. She kept trying.

Despite the fogginess in her mind, Luciana knew what was happening to herself. She was aware of everything, though the faces before her were blurred and sounds drifted in and out of existence. She was aware of the pain that spiked between her legs and through her stomach. She felt the touches that would leave bruises on her skin. She felt the iron bite into her wrists and ankles. She tasted and smelled blood. Her own blood.

She didn't care what they did. She wouldn't stop struggling. They could drug her. Poison her. Chain her. Hurt her. She would fight them every step of the way. She wouldn't go back to Wendlyn. She wouldn't go back to her father. She wouldn't leave Aeron. She wouldn't leave Vaughan. She knew she would fail, but she wouldn't stop trying. She wouldn't give up.

Sounds swarmed her from all around and she recognized cries of alarm. Luciana craned her head to the side as black and silver flames erupted through the tunnel. She knew those flames. Knew who they belonged to. Luciana wept harder.

Vaughan appeared, his obsidian eyes crackling with fire colder than the flames that already licked at the floor. A weight vanished from her legs. A dagger glinted in Vaughan's palm. He threw it. Blood spattered against Luciana's cheek and someone began to scream. She wasn't sure who. She struggled against her chains, trying to reach Vaughan. Praying that he was real. That it wasn't a drug induced hallucination. Others appeared behind him. She couldn't tell who they were.

Vaughan snarled something at the males who cowered behind her. He was already moving towards her. The rage in his eyes vanished and was replaced by fear and remorse. "I'm sorry," he whispered as he set to work removing the iron manacles. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry."

His hands drifted to her face and he unbound the gag. Luciana gripped his wrists, struggling to sit up. The gag came loose. "Vaughan," she wept. Blood gurgled in her throat and leaked from her mouth before she could swallow it. Luciana heaved herself forward, clutching at Vaughan's leathers.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. Luci, my Light. I'm sorry." He wrapped his arms around her.

She hadn't realized she was trembling. Her teeth clattered with the force of her shudders. She managed to hook her arms around Vaughan's neck and buried her face in his chest. Luciana drank in his scent, rich spices, ash, and night air.

Vaughan's fingers combed through her tangled hair and brushed over her bare skin. She felt him stiffen and knew he was assessing the damage done to her. Luciana's tears fell harder. Her breath shook with each sob.

"Here," someone said. A female. A crimson cloak appeared. Vaughan wrapped it around Luciana. She whimpered as he jarred her legs, sending fresh waves of pain rippling through her. The female spoke again. "I'll take her back to Yrene."

"No," Luciana rasped. "No." She tightened her arms around him.

"Go with Manon," Vaughan murmured, his lips touching the shell of her ear. "Yrene will heal you."

"No." His arms slipped beneath her legs and around her waist. "No." Luciana clung to Vaughan as he lifted her effortlessly. She cried out suddenly and Vaughan's breath hitched. "Mother was right," Luciana whispered. "She was right. It hurts. Everything hurts."

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