64. Proposals

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Vaughan crossed his arms, studying the map Aelin had placed on the table before him. She'd marked several different locations across Terrasen with red pins. Locations that she believed would be some of the Revolutionists' first or most important targets.

Aedion, Elgan, and Kyllian drifted closer, eyeing the map as well. "The amount of Revolutionist camps between Arcelia and Allsbrook is concerning," Elgan said. "And Rosamel lies in between them. If the Revolutionists take Rosamel, they'll have direct routes to Arcelia and Allsbrook."

"We know," Rowan said. "Ren Allsbrook has been given thorough instructions and we've sent a unit of Fae warriors to assist him when the attack comes. Fenrys is taking some of Arcelia's soldiers down to protect Rosamel, while Nascha defends Arcelia."

"You aren't bringing your blood-sworn to protect the capital?" Kyllian glanced at Aelin.

The Queen shook her head. "If one city falls, that brings the Revolutionists a step closer to victory. My blood-sworn and the rest of my Court will protect their territory. Lorcan is going to try to prevent Revolutionists from crossing the Perranth Mountains. Elide will oversee the city itself. Lysandra and Darrow will be working together to protect Arran, Caraverre, and the territory around them."

"I'll be here in Orynth when war comes," Aedion said as Aelin fell silent. "But someone will need to oversee the Bane's camp. We can't let the Revolutionists take it. That would cripple our forces and diminish our supplies."

"I'll stay with the Bane," Elgan volunteered. "I can do more good there anyway. I'll be available if Arran or Caraverre need aid."

"Are we placing supply camps throughout the kingdom so our forces have access to them?" Vaughan asked, rubbing his chin thoughtfully.

Aelin shook her head. "Our troops will have a hard enough time defending the kingdom without trying to defend different supply camps as well. We've worked out a system with the Fae to send messages across the kingdom. When supplies are needed, they will be sent."

"Do we have any allies planning to send additional aid, should we need it?" Elgan asked.

"Adarlan and the Witch Kingdom said they will send soldiers if they can be spared. However, I encouraged them to send aid to Fenharrow, Melisande, and Eyllwe before us." A smile flickered across Aelin's lips. "I've already called in a few favors that should give us an edge."

Aedion narrowed his eyes. "Favors from who?"

"You probably don't want to know," Rowan sighed. "But you can rest assured that no Revolutionists will reach Erilea's ports without a fight."

"Rolfe," Aedion guessed. "How did you persuade him to help us? The Revolutionists have made no threats to him or his territory."

Aelin placed a fist on her chest. "I beseeched the goodness in his heart."

"And the wealth of ancient Fae tombs," Rowan said, rolling his pine green eyes.

Aedion cocked his head. "Again?"

Aelin shrugged. "I do my best to respect the dead, but I will also do whatever it takes to protect my living people. Leaving hoards of unguarded treasure in tombs seems like an open invitation to do just that. I'm sure the Fae wouldn't object."

Vaughan looked between Aedion, Aelin, and Rowan. "What do you mean 'again'?"

"I'll tell you later," Rowan chuckled.

"We do have some additional help that didn't require ancient treasure," Aelin continued. "Galan and Glaston responded after I wrote to them about General Alburn. Glaston is preparing for war and will send aid to Doranelle if Sellene needs it. Galan's armada will be patrolling the waters between here and Wendlyn. I believe the khaganate's armada is being deployed as well, to protect the Southern Continent."

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