Oh, oh, oh, Merry Christmas (Pt.2)

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This Christmas one-shot is a continuation of last year's one.

Last Christmas, Andy expressed a wish to have a baby with Robert. As perfect as Christmas a year ago was with the promises they exchanged in front of their family, but Andy was missing something. He was afraid of Robert's reaction, but after telling him they couldn't be more than happy to try to have a baby. However, they both did not know that by the time she Andy had expressed that wish she was already about two months pregnant. Andy found out she was pregnant in the days after Christmas when she wasn't well and after doing the tests she found out she was pregnant. She and Robert were over the moon with the news, and with the news of the baby on the way, they started the new year in the best possible way. Throughout Andy's pregnancy, Robert took care of her and on a hot July day, after a long labor, Andy gave birth to their beautiful baby boy Michael. They were both in love with their beautiful and perfect baby who spent most of their time looking at him. Not only had Andy spent the last few months at home on leave for the baby, but Robert had also taken all the time he could have so as not to miss a moment of their new life.

Little Michael had just turned 5 months old and was starting to sit, interact with games and always look around and laugh. Andy and Michael were on the sofa as they watched Robert decorate the Christmas tree. Michael was fascinated by the lights that Robert had put on the tree and seemed to be mesmerized. Every time the lights started to move, the baby started to laugh. Each time Michael laughed he filled his parents' hearts with love more and more.

Robert: "Are you going to stay on the sofa all day while I put all the decorations on?"

Andy: "Yes. I will only help you when Michael falls asleep"

Robert: "I know you won't help me even then. He falls asleep while you are feeding him and then you make him sleep on your lap"

Andy: "It's not my fault that he falls asleep while he eats and continues to eat with his eyes closed"

Robert: "I know, and that's the cutest and sweetest thing I've seen in my life"

Michael started grumbling because he was hungry.

Andy: "It's time to breastfeed him"

Andy took off her shirt, picked up the baby, pulled one of her breasts out of her bra, and Michael immediately attached himself to it. Robert put a blanket over the baby so he wouldn't be too cold when he fell asleep.

Robert: "I could stay all day looking at you"

Andy: "You can watch your son, but I'm a mess"

Robert: "You are not a disaster, you are always beautiful and I love you"

Andy: "I love you too, but.. come on look at me, I have messy hair, clothes that have some baby regurgitation spots and I don't know how long I haven't had a relaxing bath. I always have little time to take a shower"

Robert: "You know what? You need some time for yourself. So as soon as you finish breastfeeding, I take the baby and you go for a nice warm and relaxing bath. Take all the time you want and don't worry about anything else"

Andy: "Really? Don't I have to help you?"

Robert: "No, I'll do it all"

While Andy was finishing breastfeeding, Robert went to prepare a relaxing bath for his wife. He started filling the tub with hot water, poured coconut-scented bubble bath and lit candles as well. As soon as Andy finished feeding Michael, Robert picked him up and Andy went to take a bath. Robert made Michael burp, changed his diaper and then tried to get him to sleep, but without success. He tried hard to put him to sleep, but Michael was getting more and more awake. Robert told him stories, tried to sing songs to make him fall asleep, walked all over the house, but the little one always had his eyes open. The whole time Robert had held his arm, Michael looked at Robert, smiled and laughed. Meanwhile Andy was relaxing in the tub full of hot water surrounded by a lot of foam and every now and then he heard Robert talking to their baby.

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