A fun afternoon..

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Andy had just finished cleaning and went upstairs to get a drink. While she was drinking she was staring out the window and she hadn't noticed Robert's arrival. He approached her and hugged her. She was scared for a moment but she then recognized Robert's arms and smiled.

Andy: "You scared me"

Robert: "I didn't want to" he said as he continued to stroke her.

Andy: "This shift seems to last so long, I can't wait for it to end"

Robert: "Are you busy after the shift?"

Andy: "Yeah.. you know someone promised me a special afternoon after this shift" she replied continuing to look out the window.

Robert: "Oh yeah? A special afternoon?"

Andy: "Special and sexy.."

Robert: "Interesting.."

While they were still in that position, Robert unhooked the belt and button and zipped down Andy's pants and with one hand pushed his way under her panties. A moan of pleasure came out of Andy's mouth and Robert whispered not to make a sound.

Andy: "Robert.. we're at work, someone might see us"

Robert: "I know, it's more exciting this way" he replied as two fingers entered her.

She began to move slowly and continued like this despite Andy asking for more. Suddenly he stopped, he removed his hand from inside his pants and Andy snorted, he stopped just as he was about to reach the height of pleasure.

Andy: "Why did you stop?"

Robert: "Someone is coming, I don't think they want to see this.."

Andy: "Oh.."

Robert: "I'm not done with you yet, I'll wait for you in my office"

Andy pulled herself together and when she turned around she saw that Robert was gone and Vic and Maya had entered. Maya and Vic were talking about doing something together on their day off and they were asking Andy too, but she was thinking about something else and wasn't paying attention to what the other two were saying.

Maya: "So Andy will you come with us?"

Andy: "Umh? Thing? Where is it?"

Maya: "Our day off, girls day?"

Andy: "Oh that. I'm sorry but I already have a commitment"

Vic: "With whom?"

Andy: "Nobody"

Vic: "We know you all too well. Who is this mysterious man?"

Andy: "Someone I'm not ready to talk about yet"

Maya: "Then have fun! And I recommend the precautions!"

Andy: "Maya!"

Vic: "You'll have to tell us all the details sooner or later"

Andy: "We'll see.."

Andy left Vic and Maya there and headed to Robert's office. She and she entered without knocking and locked the door behind her. She walked over to him and sat on his lap.

Andy: "Now you can finish the job you started earlier" she said as she took off her shoes, belt and unbuttoned her pants.

Robert made her get up from her legs and while he kissed her he took off her pants and panties leaving her lower body completely naked. By getting rid of the papers she had on her desk, she made Andy lie down and took off his pants and boxers too. She wrapped his legs around her hips and he went inside her and started moving slowly and then increasing the pace of the thrusts until Andy arched his back for the pleasure he was feeling. After a few more pushes, Robert also let himself go. He then sat in her chair and took Andy on her lap.

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