When even jealousy goes on vacation.. something beautiful will be born

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In the last few months too many things had happened and there was a lot of tension among the team members especially between Andy and Maya. Sullivan had to choose a new Captain when he became Battalion Chief. Everyone expected it to be Andy, but he had chosen Maya instead. Andy and Sullivan weren't on good terms at the time, but that didn't mean she deserved the job. Pruitt had realized that despite having argued they were in love, and by leveraging this with Sullivan he had convinced him not to promote his daughter. Predictably Andy hadn't taken it well. She was mad at everyone especially Sullivan and Maya. After Maya became Captain she wanted to move and she didn't want to stay with her anymore, but she couldn't find a place to go. Jack, who has always been in love with Andy, had offered many times to find a place together and each time he received the usual negative response from her. Despite his constant refusals he always tried, who knows maybe sooner or later he would have said yes. Andy was in love with Sullivan, she wanted to be with him, but he hurt her too much. It was hard to see him every day and not be able to touch, touch or kiss him. When she was in his bunk during the night shifts and couldn't sleep she'd thought several times about going to him, but every time she came to his door she remembered how hurt she was and came back. On the other hand, Sullivan knew he hurt her, it wasn't his intention, but he did. It was difficult for him to see her every day and not be near her, no one knows how many times he wanted to go to her and hug her even for a few seconds to feel good, but it was not possible. In one of their last arguments they had said things that neither of them really thought, yet they had said them.

One day, after a bad call, Andy realized that he couldn't go on like this. She was tired of being mad at him, she was tired of being away from him, she was tired of this whole situation, so instead of going home she went to him. Sullivan was surprised to see her there when he opened the door, and before she started talking or doing anything else he took her in his arms and they kissed.

Andy: "As long as I would like to keep kissing you all day, we need to talk"

Robert: "You're right, we need to talk. You start"

Andy: "Can we stop fighting? I'm tired of this whole situation"

Robert: "You don't know how long I've waited for this moment. Stop fighting"

Andy: "Perfect on this we agree. Now there is another question.."

Robert: "Which one?"

Andy: "From next round we can't be happy, they'll understand everything, and then I'm still a little angry with you"

Robert: "Just respect me and everything will be fine. What are you still angry about?"

Andy: "First I always respected you even though I was furious with you. Second I think you promoted the wrong person to Captain"

Robert: "Ohhh, don't think about that now. Think we're together now"

Andy: "Ok, but you know I deserved that place"

Robert: "Just think about it now"

Andy: "So.. now.. if you and I.. you won't send me away again will you?" she said as he sat down on him and started kissing him everywhere.

Robert: "This time I'm not letting you go anywhere, but not here" he said as he got her up and headed for the bedroom.

They spent that day together loving each other and making up for all the lost time. The next few days were very strange, being together at work pretending they still hated each other was strange enough for lotus. There was no lack of stolen glances, they touched each other without anyone seeing them and tried to see each other without anyone noticing.

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