Is it really over?

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Andy: "I love you. I do love you. But I don't respect you. And I can't forgive you. So Ii called a divorce lawyer"

Robert: "What?"

Andy: "He said it should be pretty simple. No kids, not many assets"

And hearing those words without her looking him in the face, Robert's heart shattered. Andy kept talking without looking at him and Robert couldn't believe everything she was saying so he decided to leave. He was angry, disappointed, hurt and since no one was talking to him yet, the only way to let off steam was to punch the punching bag. He went to his bunk, changed and went to the station gym. He started punching the punching bag harder and harder as he wondered if divorce was really what he wanted. All she thought about was like that evening ten months ago she had talked to the Chief trying to keep 19 together without it being shut down and everyone being transferred. He had told his wife that it would be a bad idea to go with Maya to talk to the Chief and in fact Andy had been transferred. But it was not Robert's fault, but her who once again hadn't listened to him. For days he had tried to talk to her, but each time she interrupted him and walked away. They had been married for a little over a year now and their happy moments together had been very few. All Robert wanted was to have a happy time with his wife and he had made plans to celebrate his first year of marriage, but he has spent that day alone like all the other days for the past 10 months. He had always been there for her and you can't explain Andy's behavior towards her. At one point he stopped throwing his punches, took off his gloves and resumed punching with his bare hands. This hurt, very bad, but he didn't care. His hands were bleeding, his tears did not stop flowing but he did not stop until he collapsed on the ground tired of everything. Nobody noticed that Robert was in the gym and he was sick, they only noticed when they heard a loud noise coming from the gym. Robert had thrown his gloves against the window so hard that the glass had shattered as much as his heart was. They all rushed to the gym and saw him. They saw a wounded man, destroyed by grief and they felt guilty because they were just a few meters away as they laughed and joked. Ben tried to talk to Robert, but obviously he didn't want to talk and went to the roof. He needed to get some air. When he left he picked up his phone and called the only person who would listen, Richard Webber. The two men made an appointment in their usual place in the park and after hanging up the phone call, Robert went to medicate the wounds he had on his hands. He was relieved to enter the locker room and see that there was none of the rest of the team. He took the first aid kit and started disinfecting the wounds and put on some band-aids. He hadn't noticed that Andy was leaning against the door frame and wondered if filing for divorce was really what she wanted. She loved him, she had never loved anyone as she loves him, but now she was questioning everything that had happened between them. Seeing her husband of her in that condition she hurt, some tears started running down her face and before anything else could happen she was gone. Robert after dressing his wounds changed and joined Richard in the park.

Richard: "What's going on? Are you ok?"

Robert: "No, I'm not fine. Andy wants a divorce"

Richard: "Oh, I'm sorry. Have you finally managed to speak after all these months?"

Robert: "That's exactly the problem. Every time I try to talk to her he pushes me away and runs away. He says he wants an apology from me, but how can I apologize if she doesn't let me talk? This situation is so frustrating. She didn't even look me in the face when she talked to me"

Richard: "I see how much you care about her and how much you love her. Why don't you try writing her a letter? If you can't talk to her, you could write everything down on a sheet of paper"

Robert: "It might be a good idea"

Richard: "And with the rest of the team how are you?"

Robert: "I don't know. Today the pump car that was in Pruitt's memory went on fire and I feel like it's just my fault. I apologized to them for everything, but I don't know.."

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