Robert no, don't do it

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The relationship between Robert and Natasha was definitely over and he didn't take it very well because she left him preferring her job to him. When he got back to his bunk he was angry and just wanted that shift to end to go to a bar. It had been a long time since he had had a drink and tonight he was determined to end his sobriety because he now had nothing left to lose. At the end of the shift, Robert quickly changed and then went to a bar across town because he knew no one in that area would ever find him. Andy had seen that Robert was strange, she had tried to approach him, but Robert had told her he was fine and she had pretended to believe it. When she saw him leave very quickly she became worried, she tried to call him, he didn't answer and she thought about trying to call him once her evening with her cousin Michelle was over. Since Andy started living alone, she and Michelle often went out together and this time it was Andy who went to Michelle. She lived across town and as soon as Andy finished his shift, she headed over to that bar. Robert had arrived at the bar, sat down at a secluded table and ordered a drink. When the waiter brought the drink to Robert, he didn't drink it, but kept rolling the glass in his hands trying to get some courage to drink that drink. Andy had arrived early and since she didn't want to wait for her cooking outside the bar, she went inside and looked for a place to sit. The bar was quite busy and while she was looking for an empty seat, she noticed Robert. She didn't know why he was there and she didn't even know if getting close to him was a good idea. But then she Andy realized that Robert had a drink in his hand and was afraid that she had been drinking thus putting an end to his sobriety.

Andy: "Hey" she said sitting down in front of Robert. "What are you doing here?"

Robert: "What do you think I do in a bar?" he replied grumpy.

Andy: "Have you been drinking?" she asked without getting any response from Robert. "You shouldn't drink, you can't end your sobriety" she said angrily.

Robert: "I haven't been drinking" he replied continuing to look at the glass with that amber liquid inside and Andy heaved a sigh of relief.

Andy: "And are you going to drink?"

Robert: "Maybe yes"

Andy: "Don't" For the first time since she sat across from Robert, he looked into her eyes. "We are friends, do you want to tell me what happened?"

Robert: "I lied to everyone, especially you and I'm sorry" he said looking at Andy with shining eyes.

Andy: "What did you lie about?"

Robert: "About my relationship with Natasha"

Andy: "When I asked you if you were sleeping with her and you said no, was it true?" she asked a little angry.

Robert: "Yes. She asked me not to tell anyone, so I lied to everyone"

Andy: "Just tell me that you were sincere with Richard" she said worried and Robert nodded.

Robert: "I've always told him the whole truth, but lying to everyone and lying to you, it made me feel bad, I'm sorry. I know you're angry and I also know that I should have told you the truth especially when you had my back. Bishop told you his suspicions and you, in order not to feed those rumors, invented another story"

Andy: "It's true, I'm angry, but I'm glad you were honest with your sponsor. And I'm also glad you haven't had that drink yet" she said placing her hand over Robert's. "Now you can be honest with me, you talk to me"

Robert: "When I saw her for the first time in many years I was very surprised. After our last mission together I never thought about her again and.. yes, we had some kind of history in the past, but nothing serious. We were often alone and kept each other company. Unlike me, she kept thinking about me and when we met again, we started dating. One evening Beckett saw us together and even though we made an excuse, we both continued to deny that rumor. Bishop also had suspicions and blackmailed Natasha into getting her back as Captain" as Robert continued to speak, Andy continued to hold Robert's hand. "After Bishop's blackmail, she suggested I download a dating app and that's how we communicated. I've never met any women from that app, I'd just meet Natasha and we'd go out of town to places where no one would recognize us"

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