The firefighter of your dreams

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"This is the month of love and you, who have never believed in love, will be able to fall in love this year. Starting today until Valentine's Day, you'll find little surprises that will make you believe in love. I won't tell you who they are, you'll have to try to guess for yourself. The firefighter of your dreams"

This is what was written on the note that was stuck in Andy's locker. After reading the note, Andy looked around her and tried to figure out who might have left her that note, but there was no one around her. Andy, as she made her way upstairs to the kitchen, kept reading that note because she wanted to figure out who had written it. As she was walking up the stairs, Andy bumped into Robert and they stood on the stairs talking.

Andy: "Sorry, I didn't see you"

Robert: "Is everything okay?" Andy nodded. "Are you really sure about that?"

Andy: "Yeah. It's just that I received this note and I would like to understand who wrote it"

Robert: "Which ticket?"

Andy: "This" she replied making Robert read the note.

Robert read Andy's note and then laughed.

Andy: "Do you find this funny?"

Robert: "A bit yes" he replied continuing to laugh. "Who do you think could have written it?"

Andy: "I don't know" she replied with a sigh.

Robert: "Could it have been Jack? You told me you were together"

Andy: "We were together, but there's no way it was him. Last year for Valentine's Day he texted me asking if I wanted to spend the whole day with him having sex. Very romantic, don't you think?"

Robert: "Oh, yes, very romantic" he replied sarcastically. "Have you ever been in love?"

Andy: "No and you?"

Robert: "Yes" he replied with a smile.

Andy: "And who is this woman you're in love with?"

Robert: "I think you want to know too much right now. But one day I'll let you meet her" he replied with a wink. "Do you think you could fall in love with this person who sent you the note?"

Andy: "I've never really believed in love, but.. never say never" she replied smiling. "It depends on what happens in the next few days. I'm really curious to know what will happen"

Together they then reached the others and joined them for breakfast. Andy pretended to participate in the various conversations with his friends, but the fact was that his mind did nothing but think about that note. Nothing like this had ever happened to her in her life and in a certain sense this thing made her happy. Maybe she in her whole life had never really fallen in love with her because she hadn't yet found the right person for her, that person who courted her, that person who made her feel special, but maybe this time it would be different.

Vic: "Andy, are you coming tonight too?"

Andy: "What? Where?"

Vic: "We were all thinking of going to Joe's after shift and you seemed to agree"

Andy: "Ah, yes, yes, okay"

Vic: "Are you okay?" Andy nodded.

Robert: "Andy has a secret admirer" he said before getting an elbow on the side from Andy. "Ouch"

Andy: "Did you have to say that?" Robert nodded and smiled.

Travis: "What admirer? Who would this person be?"

Andy: "I don't know who it is, I just found this note in my locker this morning" she replied giving the note to Travis.

Travis: "Ohhh, that's so romantic" he said after reading the note. "If you don't fall in love with this man, I will" he said jokingly.

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