I still love you

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Andy had returned to work at Station 19, but she wasn't as happy as she thought. The place was full of good memories, but also bad ones. There she had spent most of her life, the members of station 19 had become her family and it was in that place for the first time in her life that she really fell in love and then, in that place that she has always loved, she let go of the love of her life. The first few days at the station were quite strange and embarrassing for Andy, on the one hand there was Beckett with whom she had had sex once and on the other hand there was Robert. He seemed happy and when they found themselves working closely together it seemed that nothing had changed between them. Andy did not know about Robert and Natasha's relationship and never suspected anything. As the weeks went by, Andy and Robert seemed to be back to being friends as they once were, together they laughed, joked, made jokes and often exchanged sweet glances and smiles. Andy realized that she was still in love with Robert and he, despite being busy with someone else, continued to have strong feelings for his ex-wife. One afternoon, Maya noticed Andy and Robert exchanging glances and when he walked away, Maya told Andy what she knew.

Maya: "You should stop flirting with your ex-husband"

Andy: "We're not flirting, we're just friends"

Maya: "He goes out with the Chief" Andy was shocked.

Andy: "With Ross?" Maya nodded. "How long?" she asked her as she felt something strange inside her.

Maya: "For a few months. It is probably for that very reason that I will never get back my position as Captain. It's obvious, they have sex and he'll get back to what he lost"

Andy: "I don't think Robert is like that"

Maya: "Are you really sure? Isn't it her fault that now I'm no longer the Captain of this station and there's an idiot in my place?"

Andy: "At first I thought so, but Maya.. it's not Robert's fault that you lost your job"

Maya: "How can you still defend that man?"

Andy: "I defend him because he didn't do anything wrong and I realized it too late"

Maya: "Then you should know that I want my place back and I will do everything to get it back, including denouncing their relationship"

Andy: "You can't do it, it wouldn't be right"

Maya: "I'll do it instead"

Andy: "Have you already forgotten the time Robert talked to Ripley for you to stay here at 19 because we're a family? And then you.. you went behind my back to talk to Robert to get the job as Captain, the job that was promised to me. You don't deserve to be Captain again" she spat out in a rather angry tone. "I confided in you that night and you acted behind my back and Jack's too"

Maya: "Andy.."

Andy: "No, I don't want to listen to you anymore" she said as she walked away from Maya.

Andy after discovering about Robert's relationship felt strange, but she was the one to walk away and if he was happy now it was fine. But she felt guilty for letting him go mostly because she had never told Robert a very important thing. In the meantime, a few weeks old girl had been left at the station and when Robert noticed it he immediately picked up that little human being who was crying loudly. The baby in Robert's arms felt safe and stopped crying in no time. Since it was a bit cold at the entrance to the station, Robert took the little girl's things and went to the relaxation room to keep the little girl warm. Robert had not noticed that Andy was in the kitchen and when she saw Robert holding the baby in his arms, she looked at him through the crack in the cabinet that was between the kitchen and the relaxation room. Robert seemed to be really at ease with that little girl and Andy looked at him and thought that maybe if things had gone differently at this time they would have had their baby. After a few minutes Natasha arrived and as soon as she saw Robert with a baby in his arms she smiled and she walked over to them.

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