Christmas (Pt.3)

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This Christmas one-shot is the continuation of the previous two.

Andy told Robert last Christmas that the following Christmas she would be able to convince him to wear a Christmas sweater. Robert was convinced that Andy would never succeed, but she knew very well how to get her husband to do something. One day Andy left Michael with Vic and Maya so that she and Robert could spend the evening together. After Vic and Maya took Michael out of the house, Andy went to her room to wear something special and sexy for when Robert got home. A few days earlier, Andy had bought a very sexy thing on the internet and she couldn't wait to wear that thing. He had bought a very particular bodysuit that had a bow on the breast and covered very little all the other parts of the body. After putting on that bodysuit, Andy lit scented candles which led into the bedroom and on the stairs she had left a note for Robert.

"Follow the candles and you will find a present to unwrap"

Andy was lying on the bed and was waiting for her husband. Robert came home very early and when he saw everything Andy had prepared, he smiled and knew very well why Andy had done all this. Surely it was a way to convince him to wear a Christmas sweater that in all probability she had already bought. Robert loved it when Andy prepared these spicy treats so he took off his jacket and shoes and followed the candles. After reading the note, he smiled mischievously and very quickly went to the room. As he opened the door he saw his wife on the bed waiting for him.

Andy: "Welcome home my love"

Robert: "That's a nice way to be welcomed" he replied with a big smile. "Can I unwrap my present?"

Andy: "Yes, but before you approach, you have to undress. No clothes are allowed in this bed"

Robert: "You're dressed" he replied as he undressed.

Andy: "I can wear something, I make the rules"

Robert: "As you like, but I'm sure that soon you too will be completely naked" he said as he took off his boxers and his penis was already at attention.

Andy: "Damn, you just undressed and your friend is ready?"

Robert: "I have an extremely sexy wife who often prepare these surprises. And then that thing you're wearing, it doesn't cover much" he replied as he lay down next to his wife. "Since you set the rules, when can I unwrap my present and enjoy your amazing body?"

Andy: "Coming soon, but first promise me something"

Robert: "I bet you're going to ask me to wear a Christmas sweater, right?" Andy nodded. "And I can also bet that sweater is somewhere inside the closet, right?"

Andy: "Exactly"

Robert: "Okay, I'll wear whatever you want. Now can I unwrap my present?"

Andy: "It was very easy to convince you"

Robert: "You know that even if I say no, in the end I always give in. And this happens even when you don't find yourself half naked and horny on the bed"

Andy: "But I like to surprise you like this. And then we're alone, our son is with Maya and Vic and we can have fun"

Robert: "I love you"

Andy: "I love you too" she replied kissing him. "Now you can unwrap your gift"

Robert slowly pulled the front of the bodysuit down to reveal her boobs. Robert took Andy's boobs in his hands and started slowly massaging them then kissing the skin around the boobs until he got to sucking and nibbling on the nipples. As he continued to tease her nipples, one hand Robert had worked his way down and when he got to place his hand between his wife's legs, he felt she was already very ready for him. Robert also took off the rest of her bodysuit and then put his face between her legs. Andy opened her legs even more and enjoyed Robert's tongue which gave her a lot of pleasure. With his tongue Robert had focused on Andy's clitoris tracing circles and while he was doing it, he had put two fingers inside her. Andy's pleasure grew more and more and she let herself go to the pleasure of her orgasm. As she caught her breath, Robert positioned himself between her legs and gently thrust himself into her. His thrusts were slow and they were both enjoying the moment. Robert and Andy rolled around in the sheets many times having a lot of fun. After their pleasant activities they fell asleep and woke up in the middle of the night because they were both hungry.

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