Captain Herrera, Lieutenant Sullivan..

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Andy and Robert had just finished fighting over the promotion Robert wanted. Andy knew very well that promotion would deserve it but he wanted it at the time for the wrong reason. Robert, after Andy had left him alone in the warehouse to finish fixing things, was thinking back to that discussion they had just had. Was it really fair to get a promotion to put an end to Miller's cause? The more he thought about it, the more he thought his wife was right. Miller's cause was important if something was to start to change and he wanted that promotion to be selfish. He had to talk to her wife about her about what he had just understood, but she would not do it at the station but quietly at their home after making dinner for her.

Andy when she went out after the discussion with Robert she was called by Maya in her office because she wanted to talk to her about something very important.

Andy: "Something wrong?"

Maya: "You know Carina's visa is about to expire and she has to go back to Italy" Andy nodded. "I decided to go with her"

Andy: "Really?"

Maya: "I'm very serious, I've decided that this time I'll follow love"

Andy: "If you are happy it is right to follow your heart"

Maya: "And since the station will be left without a Captain I asked that you be promoted as it should have been a long time ago"

Andy: "Really? I.. I don't know what to say other than that I'm happy" she said even though his tone of voice was quite sad.

Maya: "You are happy but your voice is sad, what happens?"

Andy: "I had a discussion with Robert a little while ago. He wants that stupid promotion for the wrong reason and I don't know how to make him understand. I tried, but I couldn't"

Maya: "I'm sorry. Try talking to him again when you are calmly home. Since these are my last hours as a captain, I decide your shift ends now. Go home so you can clarify yourself and maybe start thinking about having a baby, Aunt Maya wants a grandchild when she comes back from Italy.."

Andy: "Thanks Maya. Do you want a grandchild with us? It's too early for a child"

Maya: "You are married and this station needs another little baby. So.. have fun doing it!"

Andy left Maya's office and went to find Robert to tell him their shift was over and they could go home. After they changed, they got into the car and the ride was very quiet, neither of them wanted to say anything so as not to start arguing again. Arriving home while Andy was opening the door, Robert hugged her and said something to her.

Robert: "I'm sorry, you were right"

Andy: "Okay, can we talk about it when we're inside?"

After a few seconds they entered the house, took off their shoes and Andy headed upstairs to their bedroom and Robert followed her.

Andy: "Before doing anything I need a shower and put on something comfortable"

Robert: "Ok. It's almost dinner time, I'll change and I'll prepare something"

Robert changed into comfortable clothing too and went to make dinner. Andy took a quick shower, she dried her hair and after getting dressed she went to Robert who was finishing cooking.

Andy: "What are you preparing?"

Robert: "Pasta, your favorite"

Andy: "I can't wait to eat, I'm hungry"

Robert: "It is shortly. Can we talk in the meantime?"

Andy: "Yes, but I don't want to argue yet, I don't like it when we do"

Surrera one-shot (English)Where stories live. Discover now