Wedding day

440 31 14

Maya had shown Andy photos of Robert and Natasha while they were together and Andy got really upset. Robert had lied to her all those months, when she had asked if he and Ross were sleeping together, he had looked into her eyes and told her that nothing was happening between them. He had lied and Andy was angry. Not only was she mad that he'd lied to her, but she was mad that he'd put the whole station in jeopardy that way. With those photos, Dixon could blackmail Ross into shutting down the Crisis One program, the clinic, and any other projects that were underway. At that moment she really wanted to kill Robert, she was heading to him, but Maya had managed to stop her before Andy could commit a foolish thing. Andy pretended to listen to Maya and in a moment when Maya got distracted, Andy ran like a rage to Robert. He was in his bunk trying to unwind before sleep, but when he saw Andy storming in, he made a confused face.

Robert: "What are you doing here? Are you ok?"

Andy: "You.." she said pointing her finger at him. "you lied to me. You looked me in the eye and told me you weren't sleeping with Ross, I trusted you and you blatantly lied to me. Why did you do that? You could have told me the truth right away. You put your career at risk, you put all of us at risk" Andy was really furious and slammed the photos Maya had given her in Robert's face.

Robert: "What does my relationship have to do with all of you? And where do these photos come from?"

Andy: "Dixon gave those photos to Maya and instead of denouncing or blackmailing you, she showed them to me. Dixon could very well be blackmailing you and Ross, he could shut down the Crisis One program, the clinic and take away everything we've fought for so far" she continued yelling at him. "Obviously you didn't think about it, you were much more busy fucking the Chief" she said angrily. "Now I understand why he didn't choose you as Interim Captain, it would have been favoritism. Because of you, Theo is Captain and he's not doing a good job. I thought recommending you to Ross would be a win-win, but I was wrong. You fought to get your seat back at the station and now you're screwing it up"

Robert: "I'm sorry" he said quietly. "I understand that you are angry and you are right. I never meant to lie to you, but I was forced to. I really, really didn't want to"

Andy: "Lying isn't good for your sobriety. Haven't you thought about this? At least I hope you mentioned it during your meetings"

Robert: "I stopped going to meetings" he admitted a little ashamed.

Andy: "Are you kidding? Did you risk your sobriety for her too? I can't believe it" she said as she paced the room. "I'm so mad at you"

Robert: "I don't understand why you're so angry. You and I are no longer together and.."

Andy: "Friends, we are friends. And I worry about you like all my other friends. Maybe I worry about you a little more, but that's because I really care about you"

Robert: "I've started going to meetings again after Beckett's story"

Andy: "At least you did one thing right"

Robert: "I understand, you're very angry and I'm sorry" he said being really very sorry. "After the shift can we go somewhere to talk more quietly?"

Andy: "No, I don't want anything to do with you anymore" she said walking away slamming the door.

Robert wanted to follow her, but he knew very well that he had followed her, things could only get worse. While he was in her bunk, Robert thought over Andy's words and she was right. Robert thought Andy was slightly less upset the next morning after the night so when Robert went into the kitchen to make breakfast and saw that she was there, he approached her.

Robert: "Good morning" he said kindly, but got no response from Andy. "I imagine you're still very upset, but.."

Andy: "I told you last night that I don't want anything to do with you anymore, so you don't exist for me now" she replied without even glancing at him.

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