All the fault of the hormones

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Second part of "Happy Birthday"

After translating it, I didn't have time to re-read it to correct mistakes. Any errors I will settle them calmly..

The night was quiet, only a few hours had passed since Andy and Robert had fallen asleep hugging each other. Andy was still sleeping with his head resting on Robert's chest when he quickly wakes up and sits on the bed causing Andy to fall next to him. Andy opens his eyes and sees Robert sitting with a puzzled face.

Robert: "Love I think I dreamed you would tell me I would be a good father to our daughter"

Andy sits up on the bed too and smiles at him nodding.

Robert realized he wasn't dreaming and was excited. "I didn't dream about it, did I?"

Andy comes over and kisses him. "It seems like a dream but it's true, we'll be parents"

Robert draws Andy to him and hugs her, then looks at her, kisses her and hugs her again as she had tears in her eyes for her happiness.

Andy: "Robert.." she whispers in his ear as he continues their hug. "Robert calm down a bit, it's all true, relax"

Robert: "Ohh sorry, it's just I can't believe it. Will we really have a baby? Are we pregnant?" he still didn't believe it and Andy was smiling at his reaction.

Andy could not stop smiling and was happy, Robert on the other hand his face was full of emotion, his eyes with tears of happiness that wanted to fall at any moment.

Andy: "Yes, we're pregnant, that is, I'm pregnant.

Robert: "When did you find out? Why didn't you tell me right away?"

Andy: "I found out before my birthday and I didn't tell you right away because I wanted to do something special to tell you but apparently I let it slip before"

Robert: "I'm really very happy, but how.."

Andy cuts him off. "Robert you and I know how it happened don't you think?" as they both laugh, Andy puts his hand on her husband's bare chest and strokes him. "But if you don't remember I could refresh your memory.." she said in a mischievous tone as she wrapped her legs around Robert's body.

Andy then starts kissing him, Robert instinctively draws Andy closer so that he can deepen the kiss. They both separate to breathe when Robert interrupts the moment.

Robert: "How long have you been pregnant since we didn't realize it? And how do you know we're going to have a little princess? " Then she panics from all the sex she had before. "Oh wait, we had a lot of sex and a little wild. What if this hurt our daughter? What happens to her if she heard it and if I hurt her? I think we should no longer have sex until she is born "

Andy can't help but laugh at Robert's panic. "Should I wait until he's born to have sex with you? Don't even think about that. And if you calm down for a moment I'll tell you everything "

Robert: "Ok, talk"

Andy: "First of all we didn't hurt our baby by having sex, I don't think she heard it, but believe me when I tell you wow I heard it. Second, being pregnant doesn't stop us from having sex, in fact hormones often make you want sex more, especially with a sexy husband like you. Carina found out I was pregnant" Robert raises an eyebrow and Andy strokes his arm. "Carina was suspicious when she saw me eating whatever I could find so she came up with an excuse that I had to get a routine check up soon because I was gaining a lot of weight and it could be stress from this pandemic and all. I believed it because with everything that has happened in our lives, I felt anxious and ate almost everything I could find, even those special Carina cheeses" She grimaces when she remembers those cheeses. "That's why I thought the nausea and vomiting were due to the fact that I was eating more than normal. I was having a late period but I thought that too was due to stress and I thought it was nothing serious. Then Carina told me to go to the hospital the day before my birthday and that's when she had an ultrasound and found out that I'm 17 weeks pregnant and a girl." She turns to her nightstand drawer and takes out the photo of the ultrasound for Robert. "I have a photo for you here"

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