Bubble bath

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It had been a very busy week for Andy and Robert, during their shifts they didn't have a moment's respite due to the many calls they received. The only times Andy and Robert were together were when they rested. In their longer shifts they had received calls even in the middle of the night and as the days went by they were visibly more and more tired. When they were at home they spent every available time resting so that they were in their best shape by the next shift. After the last shift of the week they had a full day off and Robert wanted to do something special for his wife. At the end of the shift, Robert went straight home while Andy stopped to talk to Maya and Vic before either of them drove her home. Before returning home, Robert had stopped at the supermarket to buy the necessary for what he had in mind. Once he got home, he started preparing the surprise for his wife. He had filled the tub full of hot water with Andy's favorite vanilla bubble bath, filled the bath with scented candles, prepared strawberries, and two glasses of champagne. Robert had just undressed, had a towel tied around his hips when Andy walked into the house. As soon as the door of the house closed, she took off her shoes and went to their bedroom where Robert was waiting for her.

Andy seeing her husband with only a towel on him could not help but smile maliciously at what he was seeing. "Did you take a bath without me? It's not fair, you promised me we would do it together" she said pouting.

Robert: "I was actually waiting for you, everything is ready"

Robert took Andy by the hand and accompanied her to the bathroom.

Andy: "Did you do all this?"

Robert: "Yes, it has been a very tiring week, this is to relax"

Andy: "You know there is also another way to relax, right?" she said while he stroked his chest until he reached the edge of the towel making him fall to the ground.

Robert: "I know, but now let's enjoy the bathroom and everything that comes after"

While they were kissing Robert undressed Andy and then they entered the tub sitting opposite each other. As soon as they immersed themselves in the hot water, they both relaxed, enjoying that little moment of tranquility.

Andy: "Why are there strawberries and champagne?"

Robert: "Don't you like them? It seemed to me.. emh.. a sweet and sexy thing.."

Andy: "It's all perfect" she said smiling.

Andy walked over to Robert and sat on her lap and took a strawberry. In a very sexy way and without ever taking her eyes off her husband, she bit her strawberry and let out a moan of pleasure.

Robert: "Good huh?"

Andy: "You don't know how much. Do you want to taste it?" Robert nodded but Andy instead of passing him the strawberry put it in his mouth and then kissed him.

Robert: "It's not fair, I want my strawberry too"

Andy: "Not just for me?"

Robert: "No.."

In a very sensual way they were feeding each other strawberries giving each other sexy looks, drinking champagne and the situation was getting very hot. But Andy at one point felt a little pain in her neck and made a grimace of pain.

Robert: "What's going on?"

Andy: "My neck hurts a little, soon it will pass"

Robert: "Turn around, I'll give you a massage so you can relax"

Andy: "There's no need, really"

Robert: "Do as I told you"

Andy turned around and sat between Robert's legs and he started massaging her neck. Andy was relaxing, she closed her eyes and was thinking back to what had come to her mind a few nights ago while she was alone in her bunk unable to sleep. Robert was talking to her, but Andy wasn't listening to him because she was deep in thought.

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