Are you happy?

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During Robert and Natasha's engagement party, Andy found herself talking to Robert and he asked her a question that she hadn't quite answered. When Robert asked her if she was happy, Andy only replied that he was now Captain and Robert immediately understood that she was not entirely happy. Robert knew Andy well and knew when something wasn't right, but they couldn't talk for any longer because Natasha had called Robert's attention. Natasha's sister, who had initially gone to Seattle to try to stop Robert and Natasha's relationship, had changed her mind and was now happy about their relationship. Instead of returning home, Natasha's sister showed up at their engagement party so she could apologize to them both. During that evening Natasha's sister and Robert had talked, she had told her why she had come to Seattle in the first place, she had told him all her doubts and she had also asked Robert, just as she had done with Andy, the why he got divorced. Robert had given an answer to Natasha's sister, he had talked a lot about Andy and she had realized that Robert still had feelings for Andy even if he continued to deny it. Natasha's sister had noticed the looks that Robert had towards Andy and she had also realized that Robert had never looked at his girlfriend that way throughout the evening. However, she had decided not to interfere any longer with her sister's love life and therefore for the rest of the party she said nothing and let Natasha be happy. For the rest of the evening Andy had seemed happy, Robert often turned his gaze on her and, even if he saw her smiling, it was quite clear that she was smiling so that no one would ask her questions. When Andy came home that evening and was alone in her bed, all she had in her head was the question that Natasha's sister had asked her that morning, "Why did you divorce Robert?" Andy had been grateful that morning that Natasha had arrived before she could respond, but if Natasha had arrived she might not have responded so quickly because she wasn't really sure why she had divorced Robert. Lately Andy had often stopped to think about what her future would have been like if she hadn't divorced Robert and every time she thought about it, she was sure she had made a huge mistake. She had understood that it was she who had made a mistake, she had understood that she had made a mistake and not speaking to Robert for over ten months and then making him hand over her divorce papers without giving him a valid reason. She had never stopped loving him and she felt stupid in only now realizing that she had made a mistake in not fighting for her marriage like Robert had done. She and Robert hadn't had a real conversation and that had been making her think a lot lately. She had also thought about talking to Robert, but then she had to put that thought away when she learned that Robert and Natasha were getting married. Despite all those thoughts, Andy had finally managed to fall asleep even though she didn't have a very peaceful night that night. Her sleep was very restless and the next morning Andy woke up very tired. Her tiredness had not gone unnoticed by Robert who, after Andy had greeted the whole team, went to Andy's office bringing her a cup of coffee.

Robert: "Is everything okay?"

Andy: "Everything is fine" she replied lying.

Robert: "You look tired"

Andy: "I just woke up sick, that's all"

Robert: "I know it's not like that and I know there's something else bothering you just like last night you didn't tell me the truth"

Andy: "When?"

Robert: "When I asked you if you were happy"

Andy: "I answered you"

Robert: "No, you didn't answer me, you just told me that you're Captain now and that's it"

Andy: "It's because I'm happy to be Captain"

Robert: "I know you're happy to be Captain, it's something you've always deserved, but that's not what I meant"

Andy: "I know, but.." she couldn't finish answering because Natasha came into Andy's office to talk to her. "Chief Ross, good morning"

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⏰ Last updated: May 20 ⏰

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