French Signs; Perfectly Mine.

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I wake the next morning in a tangle of limbs, Odette's body gently entwined with mine and her head lay gently at the crook of my neck. She sleeps so peacefully, in an effortless slumber - I wish I knew what she was dreaming about, to be inside her mind at her most vulnerable moments of the day when she closes those beautiful ocean blue eyes and welcomes slumber. Unfortunately I can't do that, although I'm quite happy just being in the same bed as her for now, perhaps I'll leave the mind wandering for a later date.

Her body stirs across me and she silently cuddles further into my side, her relaxed breath fanning along my prominent collarbones and her warm cheek pressed delicately to my shoulder whilst the tip of her nose tickles my neck - what an incredible way to wake up in the morning. Within seconds her dark eyelashes begin to open drowsily, the beautiful woman beside me attempting to regain understanding of the position she is currently lying in, familiarising herself with the room; and gratefully, she takes her precious time to remove herself from my strong grasp.

Odette thought it would be a good idea if Evelyn and I spent some quality time together during today, to get to know one another - family clearly means a lot to Odette and I think it'll be fun spending some time with Evelyn, the two sisters are polar opposites and I know Evelyn doesn't hold back on Odette's embarrassing teenage tales. Another reason why Odette thought it would be a good idea for me to spend time with Evelyn, is that she has unexpectedly been called into work by her boss May, apparently she wanted to discuss taking some pictures when we go on our trip, or something...

Is it bad that I wasn't really paying attention very much?

With one sister blabbing on about a new hair accessory that's coming out and a mute sister signing about the plans for the day my mind was just about as scrambled as the eggs staring up at me from my plate. The two of them bicker occasionally about useless topics such as new fashion trends and various other things I'll fail to understand - my tactic is to sit quietly, eat my breakfast, attempt to read the newspaper and try not to get in the middle of the girls' spat.

It's not really going very well so far, Evelyn keeps asking my opinion on every matter and although Odette wants to know my verdict, I can also see the small smirk she constantly fails to hide as she chuckles at my uncomfortableness. "I better get dressed." I answer as Evelyn waits for my reply about how good or bad the quality of the new make-up brushes in the market are; how would I know that?

After nipping back into my apartment and quickly getting changed, I meet back at Odette's apartment to see a ready and waiting Evelyn - dressed with plain black leggings, a cream jumper and a big smile. She turns to me and skips over happily, clearly having a positive mood for our day ahead. "Ready?" I ask even though the answer is more than clear.

Our saunter to my car is over within minutes and I decide to take Evelyn to the villages local café for a drink and then next door to the ice cream parlour - I know it's her favourite considering the way she consumed an entire tub of mint chocolate chip ice cream last night, so I thought my safest option would be to take her somewhere that she'll like. The drive is short and I park my car in my regular space near the heart of the village, the port. We get so many tourist and holiday comers visiting the port so it's safe to say it's the most popular part of the village; we also get all the rich sods from town visiting to check up on the quality of their expensive boats that sit ideally on the water. Our village is quaint and reserved, so small that everyone seems to know each other, I receive nods off familiar faces that walk past as we head towards to port.

"Wow." Evelyn wonders as we pass the beautiful multi coloured buildings on the sea front, her eyes absorbing every sight that we pass and taking in the uniqueness of our village. "It's beautiful." I don't respond, allowing her thoughts to wander and question as she passes years old plaques that cover several buildings, expressing the history that it holds. She is in complete awe, a lot like her sister in the sense that she appreciates the beautiful things in life.

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